Stock Location - Main
Open this page using Menu > Meter > Stock Location > Search.
Description of Page
A stock location is a physical or logical location at which meters / items are stored while they are not installed at a service point. Refer to The Big Picture Of Stock Locations for more information.
Enter a unique ID and a Description for each Stock Location.
Indicate that this stock location is Allowed to Hold Inventory if it is one at which meters and items can be stored. Otherwise, indicate that it is Not Allowed.
Hold Inventory is typically Not Allowed on "notional" stock locations used to group together detailed stock locations. You can view a stock location's subsidiary locations in the tree at the bottom of this page.
If the Stock Location is subsidiary to a higher-level stock location, define its immediate Parent Stock Location. Refer to The Big Picture Of Stock Locations for more information about parent locations.
Enter any Comments about the stock location.
The tree at the bottom of the page shows the hierarchy of stock locations associated with the Stock Location selected in the search.
Where Used
Stock location history records reference a stock location. Refer to Stock Location History Is Created Behind The Scenes for more information.