Terms Of Service - Main
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Description of Page
Terms of Service Info contains a concatenation of important information about the terms of service record. Terms of Service ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the terms of service record. These values only appear after the TOS is added to the database.
The Umbrella Agreement ID defines the umbrella agreement to which this terms of service is linked.
Status shows the current state of the terms of service record. The buttons adjacent to the status allow you to transition the TOS record's status.
Click Activate to change the status of a pending terms of service record to active.
Click Pend to change the status of an active terms of service record back to pending.
Click Cancel to change the status of a pending or active terms of service record to canceled.
Refer to Lifecycle Of Terms of Service for more information.
Enter a Description for the terms of service record.
The Terms of Service Type defines the type of terms of service record. Refer to Setting Up Terms of Service Types for more information.
Use the Comments area to describe anything interesting or unusual about the umbrella agreement.
The Characteristics collection contains information that describes miscellaneous information about the terms of service record.
Characteristic Types. You can only choose characteristic types defined on the terms of service record's terms of service type .
The following fields display:
Characteristic Type Indicate the type of characteristic.
Characteristic Value Indicate the value of the characteristic.
Default Note. A terms of service record's characteristics default from the terms of service type.
The Covered Entities collection allows you to define specific entities that are "covered" by this terms of service record. Refer to TOS Covered Entities for more information.
Characteristic Types. You can only choose covered entity characteristic types defined on the terms of service record's terms of service type.
The following fields display:
Covered Entity Characteristic Type Indicate the type of characteristic used to define this covered entity type.
Characteristic Value Indicate the value of the characteristic used to define the covered entity value.
Default Note. A terms of service record's covered entity types default from the terms of service type.