Umbrella Agreement - Main
Open this page using Menu > Umbrella Agreement Management > Umbrella Agreement > Search.
Description of Page
Umbrella Agreement Info contains a concatenation of important information about the umbrella agreement. Umbrella Agreement ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the umbrella agreement. These values only appear after the UA is added to the database.
Umbrella Agreement Status shows the current state of the UA. The buttons adjacent to the status allow you to transition the UA's status.
Click Complete to change the status of a pending umbrella agreement to complete.
Click Reopen to change the status of a complete umbrella agreement back to pending.
Refer to Lifecycle of an Umbrella Agreement for more information.
Enter a Description for the umbrella agreement.
The Umbrella Agreement Type defines the type of umbrella agreement. Refer to Setting Up Umbrella Agreement Types for more information.
The Start Date and End Date define the effective dates of the contract. If the UA type is renewable, the Renewal Date indicates the date the umbrella agreement is processed by the renewal background process.
You may assign an Account Management Group to this umbrella agreement. The AMG controls the roles assigned to To Do entries associated with the umbrella agreement. Refer to Setting Up Account Management Groups for more information.
Use the Comments area to describe anything interesting or unusual about the umbrella agreement.
This bottom of this page contains a tree that shows the various objects linked to the umbrella agreement. You can use this tree to both view high-level information about these objects and to transfer to the respective page in which an object is maintained.