Job Stream Details
Job streams execute many times over their lifetime. For example, the nightly job stream executes every night; the hourly job stream executes hourly; the data warehouse extract executes weekly; etc.
Every time a job stream executes, a workflow process is created. The workflow process's events cause the job stream's batch jobs to be submitted.
This page shows the status of the job stream's workflow events and the batch jobs that they submit. Open this page using Menu > Batch > Job Stream Details.
Description of Page
Job Stream is a concatenation of important information about the execution of the job stream (e.g., its description, status, start date).
Job Stream ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of an execution of the job stream.
The Job Stream ID is the unique identifier of the workflow process used to manage the execution of the job stream's batch jobs.
The colorful status bar summarizes the execution status of the job stream's batch jobs. This bar's segments and their colors are used to highlight the relative number of batch jobs in a given state. For example, it can highlight the relative number of Pending versus Complete batch jobs ( Pending jobs are one color, Complete jobs another).
You can hover the mouse over a section of the bar to see the number of batch jobs in each state. You can click on a segment of the bar to cause the grid to be refreshed with batch jobs in the respective state. For example, if you click on the color used to highlight jobs in Error, only these jobs will appear in the grid. You can achieve the same results by selecting the desired Event Status.
If the job stream is executing, a Cancel Job Stream button appears. Pushing this button will cancel the execution of any batch jobs in the stream that have not already started. Batch jobs that are currently executing will continue to execute until they conclude or are stopped in the operating system.
The grid contains a summary of the job stream's workflow events and the batch jobs that they submit. The following information is displayed for each workflow event:
Event describes the workflow event that submits the batch job (the code following the description is the workflow event's type).
The colorful box that prefixes the event provides a visual clue of the event's status (e.g., Pending events are one color, Waiting another, etc.). These colors correspond with the "status bar" at the top of the page.
Click on the hyperlink to transfer to the workflow event. You might need to display a workflow event if:
You need to cancel a Pending or Waiting event. To do this, display the event and change its status to Canceled. Note, if the Waiting event is associated with a batch job that is currently executing, canceling the event will NOT abort the execution of the batch job. The only way to abort the execution of a batch job that is executing is via the operating system.
You need to restart a batch job that's in Error. To do this, display the workflow event and change its status to Pending.
Batch Run provides an overview of the batch job submitted by the workflow event:
If the corresponding workflow event is Pending, the batch job has not been submitted yet. There are two reasons why an event may be Pending:
If the event is waiting for the batch submitter to run, the message Starting soon... appears. The next time the batch submitter runs, the batch run will be executed. The batch submitter's frequency of execution is configured by your organization.
If the event is waiting for the successful completion of other events, a message describing the events on which it is waiting is shown. You define the dependencies between events (i.e., batch jobs) when you set up the job stream's workflow process template.
If the corresponding event is Waiting, the batch job is currently executing and a summary of the execution status is shown. You can click on the hyperlink to transfer to the Batch Run Tree where the details of the run's parallel threads and errors are shown. Note, a summary of the various threads and errors is shown in the next column.
If the corresponding event is Complete, Failed, or Error; the batch job has completed and a summary of its execution is shown. You can click on the hyperlink to transfer to the Batch Run Tree where the details of the run's parallel threads and errors are shown.
Batch Run Details provides more extensive details about a batch run's execution. The following information is shown:
You can configure the workflow event to execute multiple parallel threads of a given batch job. For example, rather than running a single instance of the BILLING batch job, you can indicate 40 parallel threads should run (thus improving throughput). This column always contains a summary of the execution status of the parallel threads.
The number of records processed by the job. For example, if this is the BILLING job, the number of records shows the number of accounts for which bills were created.
The number of errors detected during the batch job (this information appears in red).
The average, minimum and maximum execution time per thread.
You can click on the hyperlink in the adjacent column to transfer to the Batch Run Tree where the details of the run's parallel threads and errors are shown.