Job Stream Summary
This page presents a summary of your job streams. Open this page using Menu > Batch > Job Stream Summary.
Description of Page
This page summarizes the status of your job streams.
Only job streams defined on the Feature Configuration for the Batch Scheduler appear on this page.
The following information is displayed for each job stream:
Job Stream. This is the description of the job stream. Click the hyperlink to transfer to the job stream's workflow process template (the workflow process template defines the number and type of batch jobs in the job stream as well as their dependencies).
Cancel Button. If the job stream is executing, a Cancel button appears. Pushing this button will cancel the execution of any batch jobs in the job stream that have not already started. Batch jobs that are currently executing will continue to execute until they conclude or are stopped in the operating system.
Start Button. If the job stream is not executing, a Start button appears. Pushing this button submits the request to execute the job stream's batch jobs. The job stream's batch jobs will only execute when the batch submitter next runs. The batch submitter's frequency of execution is configured by your organization.
Last Completed Run. This is the start date / time when the job stream last executed. In addition, the job stream's total elapsed time is displayed. Click the hyperlink to transfer to the Job Stream Details page where you can see the execution status of each batch job in the job stream.
Run In Progress. This column only contains information if a job stream is executing. The date / time that the job stream was requested is shown as well as a colorful status bar. Clicking the hyperlink under the date / time transfers you to the Job Stream Details page where you can see the execution status of the job stream's batch jobs.
The status bar provides a visual clue as to the execution status of the job stream's batch jobs. The bar's segments and their colors are used to highlight the relative number of batch jobs in a given state. For example, it will highlight the relative number of Pending versus Complete versus Error batch jobs.
You can hover the mouse over a section of the bar to see the number of batch jobs in each state. You can click on a segment of the bar to drill down to the Job Stream Details page. When this page appears, only the batch jobs in the respective state are displayed.
The message Other(s) running appears if more than one instance of this job stream is running (this should be rare).
Next Scheduled Run. This is the start date / time when the job stream is next scheduled to run. Click the hyperlink to transfer to the Job Stream Creation Schedule page where you can define when the job stream runs. You can also use this transaction to hold prescheduled runs.