Menu - Main
This transaction is used to define / change any menu in the system. Navigate to this page using Admin > System > Menu.
Use the Menu Query portal to search for an existing menu definition. Once a menu is selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
Description of Page
Enter a meaningful, unique Menu Name.
Owner indicates if this menu line is owned by the base product or by your implementation (Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a menu line. This information is display-only.
The Flush Menu button is used to flush the cached menu items so you can see any modified or newly created menus. Refer to Caching Overview for more information.
Menu Type defines how the menu is used. You have the following options:
Admin is one of the menus that appears in the Application Toolbar. It is a special type of menu because admin menu items can be grouped alphabetically or by functional group. Refer to the description of Admin Menu Order on Installation Options - Framework for more information about admin menu options.
Context refers to a context menu.
Main is another menu that appears in the Application Toolbar that is simply titled Menu .
Page Action Menu defines buttons that appear in the Page Title Area.
Submenu defines a menu group that appears when an Application Toolbar menu is selected. for the Admin menu, this is only visible when it's organized functionally.
Enter User Menu refers to the menu items that appear on the user menu; for example, User Preferences.
Description provides a description of the menu. Note that this is not the text used when displaying a menu option.
Sequence is only enabled for the Main and Admin menu types.
The grid contains a summary of the menu's lines. Besides the standard add and delete icons available in a grid, the following information is displayed:
Menu Line ID is the unique identifier of the line on the menu. This information is display-only. Before the menu line id is a Go To icon that allows a user to drill into the Menu Items for the displayed menu line.
Sequence is the relative position of the line on the menu. Note, if two lines have the same Sequence, the system organizes the lines alphabetically (based on the Long Label, which is defined on the next tab).
An implementation may override the sequence of a base product owned menu line. Also note that the sequence is defined on the menu line language table, allowing for different orders to be used for different languages (or to let the menu be sorted alphabetically in one language and in a specified order in a different one).
Navigation Option / Submenu contains information about the line's items. If the line's item invokes a submenu, the submenu's unique identifier is displayed. If the line's item(s) invoke a transaction, the description of the first item's navigation option is displayed.
Long Label is the verbiage that appears on the menu line.
Item Count is the number of menu items on the line.
Owner indicates if this menu line is owned by the base product or by your implementation (Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a menu line. This information is display-only.
Note:Adding menu lines to base owned menus. An implementation may choose to add custom menu lines along with its menu item (or items) to a base owned menu.
Refer to the description of Menu Items for how to add items to a menu line.