Pre-Installation Tasks
This section lists the tasks that need to be performed before installing Oracle Utilities Application Framework, including:
Hardware and Software Version Prerequisites
Refer to the Supported Platforms section in Supported Platforms and Hardware Requirements for all available platforms that are required to install the product.
Database Installation
Verify that the database has been installed and is operational. Refer to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Database Administrator’s Guide included in this release for more information.
Installation Prerequisites
Refer to Installing Application Server Prerequisite Software for details about the preparations to be done on the server prior to installing the application server.
Read the server setup requirements carefully and make sure that all prerequisite software is installed and that all required environment variables are set. Accurate server setup and proper environment variable settings are an essential prerequisite for successful environment installation.
Copying and Decompressing Install Media
The Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4. installation file is delivered in jar format for both UNIX and Windows platforms.
If you are planning to install multiple Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4. environments operated by different Oracle Utilities administrator user IDs, you must complete each of the following installation steps for each administrator user ID.
To copy and decompress the install media:
1. Login to the application server host with the Oracle Utilities Application Framework administrator user ID.
2. Download the Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4. Multiplatform from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
3. Create a temporary directory, such as c:\ouaf\temp or /ouaf/temp. (Referred to below as <TEMPDIR>.)
Note: This directory must be located outside any current or other working Oracle Utilities application environment. All files that are placed in this directory as a part of the installation can be deleted after completing a successful installation.
4. Copy the FW-V4. file from the delivered package to <TEMPDIR>. If you are using FTP to transfer this file, remember to use the BINARY option for the FTP transfer.
5. Decompress the file:
jar -xvf FW-V4.
Note: In order to be able to execute the “jar” command you need to have the Java JDK installed.
A sub-directory “FW-V4.” is created. It contains the installation software for the Oracle Utilities Framework Application server.
Setting Permissions for the cistab File in UNIX
Every Oracle Utilities Application Framework environment installed on a server must be registered in the /etc/cistab file located on that server. On UNIX servers, generally only the root user ID has write permissions to the /etc directory. Since the installation process is run by the Oracle administrator user ID (cissys), this user ID may not be able to write to /etc/cistab table.
The install utility checks permissions and if it identifies a lack of the necessary permissions, it generates a script in the <TEMPDIR>/FW-V4. directory named cistab_<SPLENVIRON>.sh. Run the generated script using the root account before continuing with the installation process. The script initializes the cistab file in /etc directory (if it is the first Oracle Utilities Application Framework application environment on the server) and registers a new environment.
The generated script also changes the owner of /etc/cistab file to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework administrator user ID, so that the next time a new environment is created by the same Oracle Utilities Framework administrator user ID, you do not need to run the generated script with the root user ID. Instead the install utility itself proceeds with the registration.