TOU Pricing Rate Component

A special rate component exists to perform time of use mapping and time of use pricing. In fact, this rate component uses a calculation algorithm, so the algorithm can be written to perform whatever logic you need it to perform. The system is shipped with an algorithm, which performs mapping only and another algorithm, which may perform mapping and pricing, or just pricing.

  • The mapping algorithms populate the read details collection by default because this collection can contain the quantities for each UOM/TOU/SQI along with a date range (This is important for price breaks.) In addition, you may configure the algorithm to also produce SQ quantities, which would represent the total quantities for each UOM/TOU/SQI.
  • The pricing algorithm may be configured to apply prices to the SQ collection (for measures peak scenarios) or the read details collection (for non-measures peak scenarios).

Refer to Designing Your Time of Use Rate Components for help in designing rate components of this type. Refer to Setting Up TOU Pricing Rate Components for more information about setting up this type of rate component.

The TOU pricing rate component may reference a TOU bill factor, which contains prices that differ for each time of use code or a regular bill factor, which contains a single price to apply to all mapped quantities.