Creating a Notification Download Staging Record

To create an NDS record directly, you need the following information:

  • Service Provider (who will receive the outbound message)
  • NDS Type

You also need to populate relevant data using either context or characteristics. For example, if a change to a person's name should trigger an outbound message, the Person ID must be referenced.

The process that creates the NDS must determine the appropriate service provider that should receive this information based on the business rules. As for the NDS type, this is typically "hard-coded" based on what has occurred to trigger the outbound message. For example, if the customer's name changed, then the NDS Type is set to something like "Name Change".

For any NDS records automatically created by the system in sample algorithms or in system processes, the NDS type is not hard-coded. Rather, the system uses a download type condition flag value to look up the appropriate NDS type. As a result, if an implementation chooses to use these sample algorithms, but prefers to use a different NDS type, it is possible. When designing your own NDS types that are referenced by NDS records created based on system conditions, you may choose to create new download type condition flag values as well.

Refer to Designing Notification Download Types and Setting Up Notification Download Types for more information.