Highlights Of The Sample Overdue Monitor Rule Algorithm

A base-package Overdue Monitor Rule algorithm exists to support many different types of overdue rules (see C1-CB-CR-RAT). Keep in mind that multiple such algorithms can be plugged in on Collection Class Overdue Rules. When the Overdue Monitor analyzes an account, it calls these algorithms until there are no more to invoke (or until an algorithm tells it that there is nothing more to check). The following points describe its various options:

  • Different rules based on credit ratings. You can set up algorithms to only be applied to accounts with a credit rating <= a given value. We anticipate such algorithms will be used in conjunction with other such algorithms to apply different rules based on the customer's credit rating.
  • Different rules based on an account or service agreement characteristic. You can set up algorithms to only be applied if an account or one of its service agreements has a given characteristic type and value effective within the last X days. For example, you could set up an algorithm that would process an account if it had a broken payment arrangement service agreement within the last 365 days (broken payment arrangement service agreements are marked with a given char type and value). You could set up a different algorithm that treated strategic customers more leniently (given that the definition of "strategic" could be held in an account or service agreement characteristic).
  • Skipping a bill if it has a future postpone date. You can set up algorithms to ignore an unpaid bill if it has a "postpone date" that's in the future. This date would be defined on the bill using an ad hoc characteristic. The characteristic type is defined as a parameter on the algorithm.
  • Special process for bills with disputed debt. You can set up an algorithm to create a given type of overdue process if the bill has disputed debt. By "disputed debt", we mean a bill with a financial transaction that's linked to an unbalanced match event that's marked as Disputed.
  • Special process for bills with credit balances. You can set up an algorithm to create a special overdue process if the bill's total charges are negative (i.e., a credit bill). Such bills should be very unusual as we strongly recommend that credit bills should have their credit balance applied to an overpayment service agreement during bill completion.
  • Different rules when all service agreements are inactive. You can set up an algorithm that should only be applied if all service agreements are inactive. We anticipate this can be used to differ the type of overdue process as if an account does not have active service agreements; there is nothing to stop to encourage them to pay.
  • Different rules based on age and amount of a bill. You can set up an algorithm to create different types of overdue processes based on the age and amount of the bills.

You are not limited by the base-package's rules. If your implementation requires options that are not supported by the base-package algorithm, simply develop your own.