Configuring Admin Data
To configure the Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service setup for the integration:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.
2. Create message senders. Refer to the Message Senders section for details.
3. Create outbound message types. Refer to the Outbound Message Types section for details.
4. Create an external system. Refer to the External System section for details.
5. Create an external application. Refer to the Master Configuration section for details.
6. Complete the master configuration. Refer to the Master Configuration section for details.
7. Generate certificates. Refer to the Adding Oracle Integration Cloud Certificates section for more details.
Message Senders
This section provides the message sender configuration details in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.
Configuring Message Sender in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Create a new message sender for each integration service initiated from Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
To create a message sender:
1. Navigate to the Message Sender page from the Admin menu or from the Search menu.
2. Enter a unique message sender and its description.
3. Populate the following values:
Invocation Type: Real-time
Message Class: RTJSONSNDR
Active: Select the checkbox.
MSG Encoding: UTF-8 message encoding
4. Select the Context tab and set values for the following context types:
HTTP Login User: User ID to access the Oracle Integration for Cloud (OIC) flow
HTTP Password: Password to access the OIC flow
HTTP Timeout: 60
HTTP URL 1: Set the Activated Integration end point URL.
If the URL value does not fit, use the additional HTTP URL types to set the complete URL.
Message sender configuration for integration services
Message Sender
Message Namespace URI
HTTP Header
Create Service Call
INT_Message Sender for Create Service Call_C2M-WAM
Create/Update Service Call
INT_Message Sender for Update-Cancel Service Call_C2M-WAM
Query Service Call INT_SC_SRCH
INT_Message Sender for Service Call Search_C2M-WAM
Get Service Call Details INT_SC_DTLS
INT_Message Sender for Service Call Details_C2M-WAM
Get Related Documents
INT_Message Sender for Retrive Work Documents_C2M-WAM
Configuring Message Sender in Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service
Create a new message sender for each integration service initiated from Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.
To create a message sender:
1. Navigate to the Message Sender page from the Admin menu or from the Search menu.
2. Enter a unique message sender and its description.
3. Populate the following values:
Invocation Type: Real-time
Message Class: RTJSONSNDR
Active: Select the checkbox.
MSG Encoding: UTF-8 message encoding
4. Select the Context tab and set values for the following context types:
HTTP Login User: User ID to access the Oracle Integration for Cloud (OIC) flow
HTTP Password: Password to access the OIC flow
HTTP Timeout: 60
HTTP URL 1: Set the Activated Integration end point URL.
If the URL value does not fit, use the additional HTTP URL types to set the complete URL.
Sender Security Type: Basic
Message sender configuration for integration services
Message Sender
HTTP Header
Create Service Call
INT_Message Sender for Create Service Call_C2M-WAM
@EXT_PUB@OIC_Host:OIC_Port /ic/api/integration/v1/flows/oracleutilities/OUTL-BA-CCS_WACS_CREATE_SERV_CAL/1.0/create
Update/Cancel Service Call
INT_Message Sender for Update-Cancel Service Call_C2M-WAM
@EXT_PUB@OIC_Host:OIC_Port /ic/api/integration/v1/flows/oracleutilities/OUTL-BA-CCS_WACS_UPDATECANCL_SER/1.0/updateorcancel
Query Service Call
INT_Message Sender for Service Call Search_C2M-WAM
Get Service Call Details
INT_Message Sender for Service Call Details_C2M-WAM
Get Related Documents
INT_Message Sender for Retrive Work Documents_C2M-WAM
Outbound Message Types
Outbound message types are deliverable as per of Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service product.
Outbound message types for integration services
Integration Service
Outbound Message Type
Business Object
Create Service Call
New Service Call Communication Request Outbound Message
Create/Update Service Call
Update Service Call Communication Request Outbound Message
Query Service Call
Service Call Search
Get Service Call Details
Service Call Details
Get Related Documents
Retrieve Work Documents
External System
To create a new external system to support the integration:
1. Navigate to the External System page from the Admin menu or from the Search menu.
2. Enter a unique external system and description.
For example: Name = INT_SERVICE_CALL_ES, Description = C2M WAM Service Call Integration
3. Set the Our Name in Their System field to CCS.
4. Associate the outbound message types and message senders created to the external system.
For each outbound message type, set the following:
Outbound Message Type: Outbound message type created for the respective integration service
Processing Method: Real-time
Message Sender: Set the message sender created for the integration service
Date/Time Format: XSD
For more information about message senders and outbound message type for each integration service, refer to the Message Senders and Outbound Message Types sections respectively.
External system configuration for integration services
Example External System: INT_SERVICE_CALL_ES
Integration Service
Outbound Message Type
Message Sender
Create Service Call
Update/Cancel Service Call
Query Service Call
Get Service Call Details
Get Related Documents
Master Configuration
The master configuration has the necessary information to support this integration.
1. Navigate to the Master Configuration page from the Admin menu or from the Search menu.
2. Select CC&B WAM Integration.
3. Click Edit next to CC&B WAM Integration.
4. In the External Communication to WAM section, configure the following values:
a. In the Main section:
a. External System: Refer to the external system created in the External System section. <External system name>
b. WAM URL =<configure WAM url >
Example format: https://<hostname:port>/ouaf/cis.jsp
b. In the Service Call Maintenance section:
a. New Service Call Outbound Message Type: Select New Service Call Communication Request Outbound Message from the drop-down list.
b. Update Service Call Outbound Message Type: Select the Update Service Call Communication Request Outbound Message from drop-down list.
c. In the Service Call Query section:
a. Service Call Query Outbound Message Type: Select Service Call Search from the drop-down list.
b. Service Call Details Outbound Message Type: Select Service Call Details from the drop-down list.
c. Related Documents Outbound Message Type: Select Retrieve Work Documents from the drop-down list.
Service Call Communication Type
Setup the service call communication type. System is delivered with C1-ServiceCallCommTaskType BO that can be used for it. Service Call Communication BO can be set to the delivered C1-ServiceCallCommunication BO.
Action Method
Setup the action method for Service Call Communication action method.
Process Flow Type can be set to the delivered C1-SERVICECALL (Service Call Process). Set Service Call Communication Type to the created service call communication type.
Insight Type
Associate the service call insight type to the Customer Insights insight group.
Application Service
Grant ability to navigate to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management. Associate application service C1-GOTOWAM (Go To WAM) to the applicable user group.
Service Category
Service categories represent a broad category of services. Service categories to be used in the service call can be found from the Admin menu > Field Work > Service Category - CCB. Service category codes should match those in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
Service Code
Service codes are used to create the appropriate work record from the service call. Service codes to be used in the service call can be found from the Admin menu > Field Work > Service Code - CCB. Service codes should match those in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
Questions used to capture information related to a service code. Questions can be found from the Admin menu > General > Question - CCB.