Configuring Connections in Oracle Integration Cloud
After the packages are imported and verified, the respective connections have to be configured.
This section describes the procedure to set up the following connections:
Configuring Oracle Utilities REST CCS for CCS-WACS
This connection is used to communicate with Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service/Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter using the Oracle Utilities adapter.
To configure the Oracle Utilities REST CCS for CCS-WACS connection:
1. Add the Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service/Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter catalog to the catalogURL section.
Note: In on-premises applications make sure that the catalog is in the following format:
If you are using using Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service, the format should be: https://{host}:{port}/{tenant}/{domain}/{appName}/rest/openapi/iws/catalog
2. On the Security policy tab, select the Basic Authentication token policy.
3. In case of Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter on-premises, configure the agent in the connection.
a. In the Agent Group section, click Configure Agents.
b. Select the agent group from the list created in Creating an Agent Group.
4. On the Connection page, enter the user name and password. Click Test at the upper-right corner.
5. After the connection is tested successfully, click Save.
Configuring Oracle Utilities REST WACS for CCS-WACS
This connection is used to communicate with Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service/Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management using the Oracle Utilities adapter.
To configure the Oracle Utilities REST WACS for CCS-WACS connection:
1. Add the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service/Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management catalog to the catalogURL section.
Note: In on-premises applications make sure that the catalog is in the following format:
http(s)://<WAM_HOST>:<WAM_PORT>/<ContextRoot>/ rest/ouaf/openapi/iws/catalog
If you are using Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service, the format should be: https://{host}:{port}/{tenant}/{domain}/{appName}/rest/openapi/iws/catalog
2. On the Security policy tab, select the Basic Authentication token policy.
3. In case of Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter on-premises, configure the agent in the connection.
a. In the Agent Group section, click Configure Agents.
b. Select the agent group from the list created in Creating an Agent Group.
4. On the Connection page, enter the user name and password. Click Test at the upper-right corner.
5. After the connection is tested successfully, click Save.
Configuring Oracle Utilities REST Outbound for CCS-WACS
This connection is used to communicate with Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service using the REST adapter. It is used in the Process Call integration triggered by Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.
Edit the Oracle Utilities REST Outbound for CCS-WACS connection and test it to make sure it is successful. Click Save.