Error Handling
This section provides information about the different ways used to handle errors in the integration and also resubmitting the instances after rectifying the errors.
Error Handling Ways
In this integration, the errors are handled in different ways due to the limitation of Oracle Integration Cloud.
Synchronous Flow Error Handling
As part this error handler the errors are sent back to global fault handler and the respective system via Common Error Handler flow.
Technical Fault
This fault occurs when there is a data mismatch or any Xpath related error. On this error, the flow immediately goes to global fault handler and the fault is sent back to the respective system.
Remote Fault
This fault occurs when the target system is down. When this error occurs the flow immediately goes to global fault handler and the fault is sent back to the respective system.
Business Fault
This fault occurs only when the business fault occurs in the target system due to invalid data. When this error occurs, the fault is sent back to the respective system as part of immediate response.
Asynchronous Flow Error Handling
Technical Fault
This fault occurs when there is a data mismatch or any Xpath related error. When this error occurs, the flow immediately goes to global fault handler and an optional email to the respective user is sent via Common Error Handler flow.
Remote Fault
This fault occurs when the target system is down. When this error occurs, the flow immediately goes to global fault handler and an optional email is sent to the respective user.
Business Fault
This fault occurs only when the business fault occurs in the target system due to invalid data. When this error occurs the flow immediately goes to global fault handler and an optional email is sent to the respective user.
Summary of Integration Error Handling
Integration Process: Enrollment Request
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical or Remote Fault
Example: DACS is not accessible
Process Stop
Integration fix:
1. Resend message from DERMS.
Business Fault (DACS returns Status Not 400 or 500)
Continue Process
Collect errors and send errors in message
Data fix:
1. Resend message from DERMS.
Business Fault (DACS returns Status 400 or 500)
Continue Process
Collect errors and send errors in Email
Data fix:
1. Resend message from DERMS.
Integration Process: Enrollment Sync
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical or Remote Fault
Example: DERMS is not accessible
Process Stop
Integration fix:
1. Subsequent batch execution will pick up Pending messages from DACS and resend them to DERMS.
Business Fault (DERMS returns Status Not 400 or 500)
Continue Process
Send error in message
Data fix in DACS:
1. Resend message from DACS.
Business Fault (DERMS returns Status 400 or 500)
Process Stop
Data fix in DACS:
1. Resend message from DACS.
Integration Process: Device Status Check
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical or Remote Fault
Example: DERMS is not accessible
Process Stop
Integration fix:
1. Resend message from DACS.
Business Fault (DERMS returns Status Not 400 or 500)
Process Stop
Data fix in Integration:
1. Resend message from DACS.
Business Fault (DERMS returns Status 400 or 500)
Process Stop
Data fix in DACS:
1. Resend message from DACS.
Integration Process: Event Device Reservation
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical or Remote Fault
Process Stop
1. Retry it from DERMS.
2. Fix the issue/bounce the DACS environment.
Integration Process: Pre-event Cancellation
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical or Remote Fault
Example: UCM is not accessible
Process Stop
Business Fault (WACS returns Status Not 400 or 500)
Process Stop
Integration Process: Send Device Score
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical or Remote Fault
Example: DERMS is not accessible.
Process Stop
Collect errors and send errors in email
Data Fix in DACS:
1. Rename the file in the FTP Server location in DACS by removing the “Error-” prefix in the name.
2. Reprocess the file.
3. Re-submit the error instances in Oracle Integration Cloud.
Business Fault (DERMS returns Status 400 or 500)
Continue Process
Collect errors and send errors in email
Data Fix in DACS:
1. Rename the file in the FTP Server location in DACS by removing the “Error-” prefix in the name.
2. Reprocess the file.
3. Re-submit the error instances in Oracle Integration Cloud.
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical or Remote Fault
Example: UCM is not accessible.
Process Stop
Data Fix in DACS:
1. Rename the file in UCM by removing the “Error-” prefix in the name.
2. Reprocess the file.
3. Re-submit the error instances in Oracle Integration Cloud.
Business Fault (DERMS returns Status 400 or 500)
Process Stop
Business Fault (WACS returns Status 400 or 500)
Continue Process
Collect errors and send errors in Email
Data Fix in WACS:
1. Rename the file in UCM by removing the “ERROR” prefix in the name.
2. Reprocess the file.
Resubmitting the Error Instances in Oracle Integration Cloud
In this integration, the flows initiated are asynchronous flows. The Resubmit option is available only for asynchronous flows.
To resubmit the error instances in Oracle Integration Cloud:
1. Login to Oracle Integration Cloud.
2. Navigate to Integrations > Monitoring > Errors.
3. Select the integration to resubmit.
4. Click the Resubmit icon.