Error Handling
This section provides information about the different ways used to handle errors in the integration and also resubmitting the instances after rectifying the errors.
Error Handling Ways
In this integration, the errors are handled in different ways due to the limitation of Oracle Integration Cloud.
Asynchronous Flow Error Handling
Technical Fault
This fault occurs when there is a data mismatch or any Xpath related error. When this error occurs, the flow immediately goes to global fault handler and an optional email to the respective user is sent.
Remote Fault
This fault occurs when the target system is down. When this error occurs, the flow immediately goes to global fault handler and an optional email is sent to the respective user.
Business Fault
This fault occurs when the target system returns a business fault due to invalid data. When an error occurs his error occurs, the flow immediately goes to global fault handler and an optional email is sent to the respective user.
Note: For Initial Load Item Bulk Sync Integration Process, the errors are handled differently in the for each item record loop. Any fault encountered while processing an item record inside the loop will not stop the whole process but it will list the item in error in an error collection and continue to process the next item record. An optional email is sent to the respective user when the value of maxerrorcount.per.emailnotification defined in ERPWACS_ConfigProps look up is reached or at the end of the process. The frequency of emails being sent out is dependent on the value of maxerrorcount.per.emailnotification.
Resubmitting the Error Instances in Oracle Integration Cloud
In this integration, all processes are asynchronous so the resubmit option is available in Oracle Integration Cloud if the process ends in a fault.
To resubmit the error instances in Oracle Integration Cloud:
1. Login to Oracle Integration Cloud.
2. Navigate Integrations > Monitoring > Errors.
3. Select the integration to resubmit.
4. Click the Resubmit icon.