Configuring Admin Data
This section describes the admin data setup in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service related to the integration. The Admin menus can be configured to be grouped alphabetically or by functional groups. The descriptions that follow will include both groupings.
Message Senders
Create a new or update an existing real-time message sender for each Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management Outbound Message.
To create a message sender:
1. In the Admin menu navigate to [M or Integration] > Message Sender > Add.
2. Enter a unique message sender and its description.
3. Populate the following values:
Message Sender: Sender name in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management
Description: Sender's description
Invocation Type: Real-time
Message Class: RTJSONSNDR (Sender for real-time HTTP / JSON messages)
Active: Select the check box
MSG Encoding: UTF-8 message encoding
4. Select the Context tab and set values for the following context types:
HTTP Header: application/json
HTTP Login User: User ID to access OIC
HTTP Login Password: Password to access OIC
HTTP Timeout: 300
HTTP Transport Method: SendReceive
HTTP URL 1: Set the URL to the OIC REST service endpoint. If the URL value is too long, use the additional HTTP URL types to set the complete URL.
External System
Create a new or update an existing external system to support the Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud.
To create an external system:
1. In the Admin menu navigate to [M or Integration] > External System > Add.
2. Enter a unique External System and its Description.
3. Associate the outbound message types created to the external system. For each outbound message type, set the following:
Outbound Message Type
Purchase Request: Use the W1-PREQIMSG (Purchase Request Outbound) outbound message type
Receipt: Use the W1-RCPTOUTMS (Receipt Outbound) outbound message type
Return Line: Use the W1-RTNOUTMS (Return Line Outbound) outbound message type
Processing Method: Real-time
Message Sender: Set the corresponding message sender for the outbound message
Date/Time Format: XSD
JSON Conversion Method: Base JSON conversion
Inbound Web Service (IWS)
The following REST inbound web services are delivered for this integration:
The full URI component for the REST inbound web service is configurable.
The Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service documentation provides instructions about the one-time setup. Refer to the Documentation and Resources section in Preface for information about documentation resources.
Master Configuration
This section describes the master configuration details for the integration. The following Master Configurations can be found from the Admin menu [M or General] > Master Configuration.
Seeder Sync Request Master Configuration
The Seeder Sync master configuration identifies the ongoing sync request business object and key reference view for the maintenance object specified in the synchronization request.
This is used by the Vendor Location and Purchase Order sync integration.
To create a Seeder Sync Request master configuration:
1. Create a row for the Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning External System and Cost Center Maintenance Object (MO): W1- COSTCTR for Cost Center Sync Integration.
Define the Ongoing Sync Request Business Object that will process the integration record and the Ongoing Sync Key Reference View and Identifier Type to find existing integration records.
2. Create a row for the Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning External System and Employee Maintenance Object (MO): W1-EMP for Employee Sync Integration.
Define the Ongoing Sync Request Business Object that will process the integration record and the Ongoing Sync Key Reference View and Identifier Type to find existing integration records.
3. Create a row for the Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning External System and Resource Type Maintenance Object (MO): W1- RESRCTYPE for Stock Item Sync Integration.
Define the Ongoing Sync Request Business Object that will process the integration record and the Ongoing Sync Key Reference View and Identifier Type to find existing integration records.
4. Create a row for the Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning External System and Vendor Location Maintenance Object (MO): W1-VENDORLOC for Vendor Location Sync Integration.
Define the Ongoing Sync Request Business Object that will process the integration record and the Ongoing Sync Key Reference View and Identifier Type to find existing integration records.
The table below shows a sample reference Business Object, Ongoing Sync Key Reference View and Identifier Type for each Maintenance Object.
Maintenance Object
Business Object
Ongoing Sync Key Reference View
Identifier Type
W1-COSTCTR (Cost Center)
(Cost Center Ongoing Sync Request)
(Ongoing Sync Key Cost Center View)
W1-EMP (Employee)
W1-OngoingSync RequestEmployee (Employee Ongoing Sync Request)
(Ongoing Sync Key Employee View)
W1-RESRCTYPE (Resource Type)
(StockItem Ongoing Sync Request)
(Ongoing Sync Key Stock Item View)
W1-VENDORLOC (Vendor Location)
(Vendor Location Ongoing Sync Request)
(Ongoing Sync Key Vendor Location View)
Master Data Synchronization Master Configuration
This Master Configuration is used to update External IDs with IDs used within Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
To create a Master Data Synchronization master configuration:
1. Create a row for the Cost Center FK Ref and Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning External System that references the Cost Center Ongoing Key Reference View. This Cost Center row is also used by the Cost Center integration.
2. Create a row for the Employee FK Ref and Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning External System that references the Employee Ongoing Sync Key Reference View.
3. Create a row for the Stock Item (Resource Type) FK Ref and Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning External System that references the Stock Item Ongoing Sync Key Reference View.
The table below shows a sample reference for FK Reference, Ongoing Sync Key Reference View, External System and Identifier Type.
FK Reference
Ongoing Sync Key Reference View
External System
Identifier Type
(Cost Center)
(Ongoing Sync Key Cost Center View)
ERP External System created in Step 2
W1-EMP (Employee)
(Ongoing Sync Key Employee View)
ERP External System created in Step 2
(Stock Item)
(Ongoing Sync Key Stock Item View)
ERP External System created in Step 2
ERP Integration Master Configuration
This is used by the Chart of Accounts, Vendor Location, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, Invoice and Payment, and Receipt and Return Synchronization integrations.
To create an ERP Integration master configuration:
1. In the Main section, set the following:
Master Configuration: Use the same Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning External System created in step 2 in the Master Data Synchronization Master Configuration section.
Default Resource Type: This is the generic resource type used in non-material Blanket Contract Lines.
2. In the Financial Configuration section, set the following:
Taxes Cost Center and Taxes Expense Code: These are required in financial transactions when the Pay Tax to Vendor parameter on the Vendor Location is set to “No”.
Account Segments: 10 segments must be populated. At least one must be the Cost Center segment and another the Expense Code segment defined. The “Include in Cost Center” flag defines the segments that make up the Cost Center string. The Delimiter will define the separation character sent in the REST Web Service request.
The following table shows a sample reference.
Element Name
Account Segment Type
Include in Cost Center
Expense Code
3. In the Key Reference Mapping section, create a row for the following Maintenance Objects:
Purchase Order Header
Purchase Order Line
Invoice Header
Invoice Line
Blanket Contract Header
Blanket Contract Line
The following table shows a sample reference Maintenance Object, Ongoing Sync Key Reference View and Identifier Type for each Maintenance Object.
Maintenance Object
Ongoing Sync Key Reference View
Identifier Type
(Purchase Order Header)
(Integration Key Purchase Order View)
(Purchase Order Line)
(Integration Key Purchase Order Line)
(Invoice Header)
(Integration Key Invoice View)
(Invoice Line)
(Integration Key Invoice Line View)
(Blanket Contract Header)
W1_ON_BLANKET_CONTRACT_VW (Integration Key Blanket Contract View)
(Blanket Contract Line)
W1_ON_BLANKET_CONTRACT_LINE_VW (Integration Key Blanket Contract Line View)
Purchasing Master Configuration
The parameters set in this Master Configuration are used in the Receiving and Invoice process.
1. To allow users to receive purchase orders created for services, set the Require Receipt for Services parameter to Yes.
2. In the Invoicing Parameters section:
a. Set the values for Discount Cost Allocation, Freight Cost Allocation and Extra Cost Allocation and Taxes Cost Allocation.
a. Set the values to Line to prorate the financial transactions across all normal and credit memo invoice line items. In addition, the cost center from the line item incurs the cost instead of the default cost centers indicated this master configuration.
b. Set the values to General so that the financial transaction is written against the header and the default cost centers from this master configuration are used.
b. Set the cost center and expense codes for the Discount, Freight, Extra Cost, Taxes and Invoice Write-Off.
Inventory Master Configuration
In the Receiving Parameters section, set the following:
Add Tax to Cost of Inventory: This indicates whether taxes are to be included as part of the cost of inventory.
Receive More Than Ordered Allowed parameter to ‘No’
Financial Master Configuration
The parameters set in this Master Configuration are used in the Receiving and Invoice process.
In the Financial Transaction Parameters section, set the cost center and expense code for Received Awaiting Invoice and Payables.
Set the distribution codes in the Distribution Codes section.
Business Object
SOA-based ERP integrations required positive/negative acknowledgment messages to be returned to the ERP system. These are not needed for the Oracle Application Cloud - Fusion Procurement integrations.
Vendor Location Ongoing Sync Request BO (W1-OngoingSyncRequestVendorLoc)
Make the following lifecycle algorithms inactive:
Synchronized (SYNCHRONIZED) Status: Create Positive Acknowledgment for ERP (W1-CPOSAERP)
Negative Acknowledgment Sent (NEG-ACK-SENT) Status: Create Negative Acknowledgment (W1-CRENEGACK)
To make the algorithms inactive, add an option within the Status with an Inactive Algorithm Option Type and the name of the algorithm within the Value field.
Purchase Order Inbound Integration BO (W1-PurchaseOrderIntegInbound)
Make the following lifecycle algorithms inactive:
Complete (COMPLETE) Status: Send Positive Acknowledgment (W1- SNDPOSACK)
Complete with Error (COMPLETE-ER) Status: Send Positive Acknowledgment (W1- SNDPOSACK)
Error (ERROR) Status: Send Negative Acknowledgment (W1- SNDNEGACK)
To make the algorithm inactive, add an option within the Status with an Inactive Algorithm Option Type and the name of the algorithm within the Value field.
Invoice Inbound Integration BO (W1- InvoiceIntegInbound)
Make the following lifecycle algorithms inactive:
Complete (COMPLETE) Status: Send Positive Acknowledgment (W1- SNDPOSACK)
Complete with Error (COMPLETE-ER) Status: Send Positive Acknowledgment (W1- SNDPOSACK)
Error (ERROR) Status: Send Negative Acknowledgment (W1- SNDNEGACK)
To inactivate the algorithm, add an option within the Status with an Inactive Algorithm Option Type and the name of the algorithm within the Value field.
Blanket Contract Inbound Integration (W1-BlanketContractIntegInbound)
Make the following lifecycle algorithms inactive:
Complete (COMPLETE) Status: Send Positive Acknowledgment (W1- SNDPOSACK)
Complete with Error (COMPLETE-ER) Status: Send Positive Acknowledgment (W1- SNDPOSACK)
Error (ERROR) Status: Send Negative Acknowledgment (W1- SNDNEGACK)
To inactivate the algorithm, add an option within the Status with an Inactive Algorithm Option Type and the name of the algorithm within the Value field.
Outbound Integration BO (W1-OutboundIntegration)
Make the following lifecycle algorithms inactive:
Awaiting Acknowledgment (AWAIT_ACKNLG) Status: Check for Response Timeout (W1-CHKRESP)
To inactivate the algorithm, add an option within the Status with an Inactive Algorithm Option Type and the name of the algorithm within the Value field.
W1-InvoiceHeaderIntegration BO (W1-InvoiceLineIntegration)
The application service used in the business object is W1-INTEGINVCHDRBOAS. Users authorized to create a reversal invoice must have the Create Reversal (W1CI) access mode added to their user group.
To inactivate the algorithm, add an option within the Status with an Inactive Algorithm Option Type and the name of the algorithm within the Value field.
ERP Integration
For integration flows, the ERP Integration Admin records define the owning system of the Maintenance Object between ERP and Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management. Add records if they do not exist. The ERP admin records can be found from the Admin menu > [E or Integration] > ERP Integration.
Purchase Order Header MO
Owning System: Enterprise Resource Planning
WAM Business Object: W1-POHeaderIntegration
Purchase Order Line MO
Owning System: Enterprise Resource Planning
WAM Business Object: W1-POLineIntegration
Receipt Header MO
Owning System: Work and Asset Management
Receipt Line MO
Owning System: Work and Asset Management
Accept Line MO
Owning System: Work and Asset Management
Return Line MO
Owning System: Work and Asset Management
Invoice Header MO
Owning System: Enterprise Resource Planning
WAM Business Object: W1-InvoiceHeaderIntegration
Invoice Line MO
Owning System: Enterprise Resource Planning
WAM Business Object: W1-InvoiceLineIntegration
Blanket Contract Header MO
Owning System: Enterprise Resource Planning
WAM Business Object: W1-BCHeaderIntegration
Blanket Contract Line MO
Owning System: Enterprise Resource Planning
WAM Business Object: W1-BCLineIntegration
ERP Buyers are referenced on the Purchase Order Inbound as external Employee IDs. These external IDs indicate that the Employee records were synchronized through the Oracle Human Capital Management/Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management integration. From the Employee External ID, the Purchase Order Synchronization flow will derive the system User ID of the Employee and find the Buyer Code associated with that User ID, if it exists.
Stock Item
To allow In Receipt returns for the Stock Item, set the Stock Item's Accept On Receipt parameter to No.