Using the Sample Form
The base provided has a sample form Intg_Unsubscribe. Copy this form to the required folder (example: CM_OU_CAMPAIGN) with a different name.
Important! Make sure to rename the form with a different name while copying it into the CM folder. Not doing so will cause a conflict when importing in the subsequent releases.
1. Select and right-click Intg_Unsubscribe sample form. From the menu, select Form Dashboard to open the form dashboard.Select Form Dashboard to open the form dashboard.
2. Click Name and update the form name and destination folder.Shows how to update the form name and destination folder.
3. Click List and update the necessary information (list should point to the profile created. For instructions to create a profile, refer to the Creating Profile List and Zero-Record Filter section in Chapter 3: Customizing and Testing Sample Campaigns).
4. Point the Form Document to “Unsubscribe_Confirm.htm”.
5. Update Form Rules and set the Landing Page.
6. Update Form Rules to select the supplemental table.
7. Specify Default Variables as shown below. By default, the data sent to form is base64 encoded.
Define the following variables, initializing with null value ($nothing()$) where appropriate:
Default value: $base64encode(concat(lookup(contact_value),todayformat(0,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:S)))$ )
Default value: $base64encode(email)$)
8. Enable the form.Shows how to enable the form.