Configuring Connections in Oracle Integration Cloud
After the packages are imported and verified, the respective connections have to be configured.
This section describes the procedure to set up the following connections:
Configuring OU REST CCS OS for CCS-EBSFIN Connection
This connection is used to communicate with Oracle Cloud Object Storage using the REST adapter.
To configure the Oracle OU REST CCS OS for CCS-EBSFIN connection:
1. In the Connection Properties section, enter the object storage API endpoint use by Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service in the Connection URL.
For information about API endpoints, refer to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation for Object Storage Service API at
2. In the Security section:
a. Select the OCI Signature Version 1 security policy.
b. Provide the following Object Storage information:
Tenancy OCID
Upload the private key
Fingerprint (obtained from object storage after register the public key for the appropriate user)
For more information, refer to the Object Storage Setup Guide 19B at
3. On the Connection page, enter the user name and password. Click Test.
4. After the connection is tested successfully, click Save.
Configuring OU EBSFIN for CCS-EBSFIN Connection
This connection is used to communicate with Oracle E-Business Suite applications using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter.
To configure the OU EBSFIN for CCS-EBSFIN connection:
1. Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite URL.
The Oracle E-Business Suite Services Catalog WSDL URL follows this format: https://{EBS host}:{port}
2. In the Security Policy section, , select Basic Authentication.
3. Enter the Username and Password to connect to Oracle E-Business Suite.
4. Configure the connectivity agent by selecting an agent group capable to communicate with the Oracle E-Business Suite.
5. Click Test.
6. After the connection is tested successfully, click Save.
Configuring OU REST CCS for CCS-EBSFIN Connection
This connection is used to communicate with Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service using the Oracle Utilities adapter.
To configure the OracleOU REST CCS for CCS-EBSFIN connection:
1. Enter the Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service REST web catalog in the catalogURL section.
The REST Catalog URL follows this format:
2. In the Security policy section, select Basic Authentication.
3. Enter Username and Password to connect to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.
4. Click Test at the upper-right corner.
5. After the connection is tested successfully, click Save.
Configuring OU FTP CCS for CCS-EBSFIN Connection
This connection is used to communicate with Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing using the FTP adapter.
To configure the OU FTP CCS for CCS-EBSFIN connection:
1. Enter the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing host address in the FTP Server Host Address section.
2. In the FTP Server Port section, enter the port.
Example: 22
3. In the SFTP Connection section, select true.
4. In the Security section, select FTP Public Key Authentication. Enter the user name and provide the private key to connect to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.
5. Use the agent to connect to the on-premises server, if required.
6. Click Test on the upper-right corner.
7. After the connection is tested successfully, click Save.