Error Handling
This section describes the different ways errors are handled in the integration:
Summary of Integration Error Handling
Integration Process: DERMS DACS Enrollment Request
Type of Error
Notification Type
Technical Fault
Example: DACS is not accessible
Send FAILURE ackType to DERMS
Process Stop
Error Email
Resend message from DERMS
Business Fault
(For each record processing where DACS enrollProgram returns - Status VAL-ERROR or ERROR)
Set Error to the record’s responseCode and add to DERMS Responses Collection.
Process the next record.
At the end of the collection processing, send ERROR ackType and the response collection to DERMS.
Enrollments created in DACS in Pending Status.
DACS handles the business errors.
Business Fault
(For each record processing DACS enrollProgram returns messageNumber = 10589)
Error means the enrollment request already exists in DACS.
Ignore the error
Process the next record
Integration Process: DACS DERMS Enrollment Sync
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical Fault
Example: DERMS is not accessible
Process Stop
Error Email
Resend message from DACS
Business Fault
Example: Cannot create the subscription in DERMS due to null CIS_PERSON_ID.
Process Stop
Send Enrollment Sync Ack with Error
Fix the data in DACS.
Resend message from DACS.
Integration Process: DACS DERMS Device Status Check
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical Fault
Example: DERMS is not accessible
Process Stop
Error Email
Resend message from DACS
Integration Process: DACS DERMS Event Device Reservation
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical Fault
(DACS HealthCheck API Error)
Send FAILURE ackType to DERMS
Process Stop
Error Email
Resend message from DERMS
Technical Fault
(Read File Error)
Example: File Empty
Send FAILURE ackType to DERMS
Process Stop
Error Email
Process Complete Email - Error
Resend message from DERMS
Technical Fault
(DACS Event Participation -Reserve Device API Error)
Send FAILURE ackType to DERMS
Process Stop
Error Email
Process Complete Email - Error
Resend message from DERMS
Business Fault
DACS handles the business errors
Integration Process: DERMS DACS Event Device Outcome
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical Fault
(DACS HealthCheck API Error)
Send FAILURE ackType to DERMS
Process Stop
Error Email
Resend message from DERMS
Technical Fault
(Read File Error)
Example: File Empty
Send FAILURE ackType to DERMS
Process Stop
Error Email
Process Complete Email - Error
Resend message from DERMS
Technical Fault
(DACS Event Participation -Post Event Outcome API Error)
Send FAILURE ackType to DERMS
Process Stop
Error Email
Process Complete Email - Error
Resend message from DERMS
Business Fault
DACS handles the business errors
Integration Process: DACS DERMS Device Score
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical Fault
Example: Source FTP or Source Object storage is not accessible
Process Stop
Error Email
Next scheduled run will pick up the files from DACS source content server or manually run the OIC process.
Partial Processing
Technical Fault During Processing in Loop
DERMS is not accessible
Process Stop
Error Email
Process Complete Email (also includes list of files not transferred)
Rename the file in DACS content server by removing the “Error-‘ prefix in the filename then manually run the OIC Process.
Business errors
Integration Process: DERMS DACS ProgramEvent Stage Status
Type of error
Notification Type
Technical Fault
Example: DACS is down or inaccessible due to authentication error, network issue, technical etc.
Process Stop
Error Email
Process returns FAILURE to DERMS
DERMS will retry the request
Business errors from DACS
(Should not happen)
Process Stop
Error Email
Process returns ERROR for DACS '400' errors otherwise FAILURE to DERMS
DERMS will retry the request for FAILURE
Business errors from DERMS or bad OIC configuration values
Request is not sent to DACS
Process returns ERROR to DERMS
Reqeust will not be retried by DERMS
Resubmitting the Error Instances in Oracle Integration Cloud
In this integration, the flows initiated are asynchronous flows. The Resubmit option is available only for asynchronous flows.
To resubmit the error instances in Oracle Integration Cloud:
1. Login to Oracle Integration Cloud.
2. Navigate to Integrations > Monitoring > Errors.
3. Select the integration to resubmit.
4. Click the Resubmit icon.