Customer Devices
Crew can perform the following operations on the Customer Devices plugin:
Add Device
To add a customer-owned controlled device:
1. Start an activity and lock it.
2. Click the Customer Devices plugin.
3. Select the Manufacturer and Model, and enter the Serial Number of the device.Shows how to add a customer-owned controlled device.
4. Click ‘+, and then click Save.
Remove Device
To remove an existing device:
1. Start an activity and lock it.
2. Click the Customer Devices plugin.
3. Select the existing device and click ‘-’.
4. Click Delete to delete the device, and then click Save.
Update Device
To update the details of an existing device:
1. Start an activity and lock it.
2. Click the Customer Devices plugin.
3. Select an existing device and click Edit.Shows how to edit an existing device.
4. Modify the required details and click Update.