Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Field Service Data Synchronizations
This section focuses on the following data synchronizations:
Mobile Control Data Sync
Control data and activity types from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service are synchronized to Oracle Field Service. The work skill related configurations required in Oracle Field Service are created to match activities with resources and for crew tracking. This synchronization happens on initial installation or on a need only basis when new control data from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service or work skill related configurations needs to be created or updated in Oracle Field Service.
Control data includes codes and descriptions of selected admin entities, characteristic type valid values, and extendable lookup values. It also includes craft, equipment, and other direct changes, whose resource type is internal, needed to support timesheet and resource usage.
Activity types define the categories of the activity supported by Oracle Field Service (in this case, Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service integration to Oracle Field Service). If an activity type already exists in Oracle Field Service, it is skipped from synchronization to avoid overriding of activity type settings in Oracle Field Service.
Control data from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service have three categories:
The controlDataEntities.default and resourceTypes.default properties in the DACOFSC_ConfigProps lookup can be used to control this synchronization based on the flag value. By default, this is set to “yes”. Work class will always be synchronized to Oracle Field Service application.
The equipment work skill creation is optional. It is controlled by the createEquipmentWorkSkills.flag property in DACOFSC_ConfigProps lookup. By default, this is set to “no”.
Note: Once a resource is created in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service, the resource code (craft code, equipment code, and other resource code) cannot be changed. This synchronization integration process uses the resource codes to create the enumeration values for equipment, craft and other resource property in Oracle Field Service. Slash (/) also cannot be part of the resource code.
The enumeration values are populated for the following Oracle Field Service properties if the integration properties specified in the following table are set to “yes”.
Property in DACOFSC_ConfigProps Lookup
Oracle Field Service Properties
controlDataEntities.default = 'yes'
Crew Shift Types
Downtime Reason
Labor Earning Type
Material Unit of Measure
Measurement Meter Reason
Measurement Gauge Reason
Overtime Type
Pickup Work Category
Pickup Location Type
Pickup Work Type
Pickup Work Priority
Resource Unit of Measure
Stock Item Category
resourceTypes.default = 'yes'
Equipment Type
Other Resource Type
* These are always synchronized to Oracle Field Service.
Pickup Work Class
Activity Type To PSH
Note: If admin data is deleted in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service, the enumeration value will not be deleted in Oracle Field Service. The synchronous integration process cannot delete enumeration values added to a property in Oracle Field Service; the OFSC REST API that updates the enumeration values of a property does not allow it. The only way to delete an enumeration value(s) in a property is by deleting the property, recreating the property, and run the synchronization to get the latest values. If the resourceTypes.default property in the DACOFSC_ConfigProps lookup is set to ‘yes’, a work skill and work skill property is created for each craft retrieved from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service.
Managing Work Skills
If the resourceTypes.default property in the DACOFSC_ConfigProps lookup is set to “yes”, a work skill and work skill property is created for each craft retrieved from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service. If the resourceTypes.default and createEquipmentWorkSkills.flag properties in the DACOFSC_ConfigProps lookup are set to “yes”, it creates a work skill and work skill property for each equipment retrieved from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service.
The work skill conditions are also created based on the craft, equipment, and the property values of the workSkillCond.actvtySameSkillMaxWorker.default and workSkillCond.actvtyMaxEquipment.default properties from the DACOFSC_ConfigProps lookup.
Truck Storeroom Admin Sync
This synchronization process is used to synchronize storeroom data from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Field Service where the storeroom type is “Truck”. Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service will send only the active storerooms data at this time.
For each storeroom from the storeroom list returned by Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service, only storerooms of TRUCK type are filtered and compared to each storeroom with the list of existing resources from Oracle Field Service.
If the resource from the list in Oracle Field Service does not exist in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service storeroom list, the resource status is updated as “inactive” and sent to Oracle Field Service.
If the resource from the list in Oracle Field Service exists in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service storeroom list, the corresponding data in Oracle Field Service is updated.
If the storeroom from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service does not exist in Oracle Field Service, a new record in Oracle Field Service is created.
This synchronization process is a scheduled business flow which can be planned to run at a specific time of day/week/month to synchronize the truck admin data from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Field Service.
The DACS OFSC Schedule Storeroom Sync synchronization process is used to synchronize individual truck’s inventory from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Field Service which is also a scheduled business flow that can be planned to run at a specific time of day, week, or month, or can be ran manually whenever necessary.