Integration Overview
The integration between Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System, Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service, and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights components facilitates the exchange of information related to controllable devices at a customer's premise.
This integration can be leveraged to support customer enrollment, unenrollment, controllable device replacement, load reduction forecasts, control cost evaluation, program event forecast, event participation outcomes, energy (kWh) avoided calculation and customer settlements.
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service is responsible for managing demand response programs and initiating program enrollments and orchestration of the customer enrollment journey. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System supports the creation, scheduling, and dispatching of demand response events, whilst Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights computes load reduction forecast values for each customer to facilitate optimal resource utilization during event creation and derives actual energy reduction after an event for each customer who participated to allow financial settlement calculations.
The following diagram shows an overview of the integration:Shows an overview of the integration.
The complete integration solution is released in 3 different Oracle Integration Cloud packages:
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service integration to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System
Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights integration to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service integration to Oracle Field Service
Important! Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service integration to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System is a pre-requisite or should be installed first before the Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights integration to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System.
The following systems participate in the overall process:
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service provides the core functionality for utilities to create, run, and maintain demand response and distributed energy resource programs as part of a larger Distributed Energy Resource Management System.
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service comprises the following functional areas:
Asset and Device Management: Maintenance of controllable assets, such as “smart” thermostats, electric vehicle chargers, storage batteries, and other types of devices.
Program Enrollment/Unenrollment: Identification specific customers that are eligible for particular programs, and establishing relationships between the customers, the programs, and if appropriate, device locations where one more controllable device are (or have been) installed.
Program Management: Creation and maintenance of Demand Response Programs to which customers can subscribe and which allow utilities to temporarily alter the settings of specific devices in their homes as a response to periods of high demand.
Program Subscriptions: Maintenance of a customer's program subscriptions, which represent the customer's enrollment in a program and device registration. Program subscriptions link the customer to a program and device location where controllable devices are installed.
Demand Response Event Management: Identification and reservation of a customer's controllable devices in response to usage demand.
Oracle Utilities Cloud Service Foundation: Tools used to orchestrate and automate infrastructure related processes and migrate data from legacy applications into the cloud service.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Visualization: A suite of analytics applications that provides access to real-time data for self-service exploration, discovery, visualization, and analysis. It includes rich pre-built analytical data models, metrics, and key performance indicators that allow you to derive strategic insights from your data.
Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System
Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System is built on Oracle Utilities Network Management System. It adds incremental support to the Oracle Utilities Network Management System platform for the management of behind the meter demand response resources. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System can initiate control signals to devices inside customer homes, such as smart thermostats. Oracle Utilities Network Management System facilitates the modeling of individual Demand Response devices down to the customer service point and/or aggregated to load transformers to support Oracle Utilities Network Management System driven optimization. In conjunction with Oracle Utilities Network Management System the Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System component can help optimize electrical networks both operationally and commercially.
Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System offers strategy templates to be used for forecasting for various scenarios during event management. It provides event functions that help grid operators manage and review the forecasted impact of an event. This includes the ability to nominate, approve or reject an event; monitor or cancel an ongoing event and audit historical events. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System supports automatic generation of event stages (blocks of field device activity) for configured objectives. Stages are built based on cost scores and reduction forecasts received from external applications used to help monitor and manage the Demand Response programs.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Insight
Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights delivers pre-built and trained machine learning insights designed to drive utility business outcomes, solving specific and complex use cases with data science. It provides a client-facing web portal user interface with a back-end analytics engine. Insights are surfaced onto Oracle Analytics Cloud to be explored further by utility users.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights supports standardized data ingest from other Oracle Utilities applications to significantly speed up delivery. It provides a flexible platform that allows the ability to ingest any type of data and allow data scientists to add it into an algorithm. Export tools featured within the product allows insights to be added to any data lake.
Oracle Integration Cloud
Oracle Integration Cloud is a cloud-based integration application designed to integrate cloud and on-premises applications, automate business processes, gain insight into your business processes, develop visual applications, process files, and exchange business documents with a B2B partner.
With the Process Builder, business processes can be rapidly designed, automated, and managed in the cloud. Continuous business flows are quickly created by connecting and integrating applications that live in the cloud and/or on-premises.
Domain Value Map or lookups are available to match application specific codes between the applications.
Integration Insights and Stream Analytics help to simplify and extract business metrics and create custom dashboards.