Functional Overview
This section describes the functionalities of the business processes in this integration:
Enrollment is the process of associating an eligible customer and their controllable devices(s) to a program. The enrollment process is performed in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service, but it can also be initiated from an external application.
For utility-owned and utility-installed controllable device(s), the enrollment process is initiated from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and leads to a work requested being created and sent to a field technician for the device installation.
For customer-owned controllable devices, these are considered Bring your Own (BYO) devices, where the customer has installed the device(s). The enrollment requests originate from external entities like energy aggregators or head-end system providers.
The enrollment requests sent to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service can come from either of the following:
Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System which receives the request via Oracle Utilities Live Energy Connect.
External systems directly invoking the DACS Program Enrollments REST service.
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service manages the program enrollment and unenrollment. It validates if customers are eligible to participate in specific programs and establishes the relationship between the customers, their controllable device(s), and the associated programs.
Note: The initial release is focused on supporting enrollments for demand-response devices like Smart Thermostats.
When the program enrollment/unenrollment is completed successfully, the customer's program enrollment or subscription is activated or deactivated in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service which triggers enrollment synchronization to both Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to send the customer's enrollment and controllable device(s) information.
Two enrollment synchronizations go out from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service:
To update Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System that a customer has enrolled or unenrolled in a program and their controllable device(s) is/are ready to participate or to be excluded from a DR event. The enrollment information is sent to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System one by one through a REST service call.
To update Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights for customers that have enrolled or unenrolled in a program, the device information is not set to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights. This determines if the customer should be included or excluded from load reduction forecast and from calculation of the customer's Kwh saved during event participation. The enrollment information is sent to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights through a file extract, a collection of enrollments.
Note: Mandatory pre-requisite for the enrollment synchronization from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to be successful is that the customer information should be synchronized from the Customer Information System application or Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service, Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
Device Replacement
Controllable device replacements initiated in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service will also synchronize the device information change to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System. This change goes out of Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service as part of the enrollment synchronization.
Event Participation
To maintain network stability during peak periods, utilities plan and manage the release of 'events' that are aimed to control or constrain the load via the controllable devices enrolled into various programs.
When an enrollment synchronization message is successfully processed within Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System, the device becomes eligible for participation in events related to the enrolled program.
Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System evaluates the following inputs to call the most eligible set of controllable devices for an event:
Device Score: Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service will periodically calculate and publish a device score value, along with an availability flag for each controllable device associated to an active program. The score calculation algorithm within Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service can be configured to consider various factors, such as equipment specifications, monthly/annual capacity, remuneration and penalties, and participation history. The pre-built integration will facilitate the scheduled transfer of device score file generated by Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System.
Load Reduction Forecast: Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights computes an estimated load reduction forecast for each metered service point that is associated to an active program on a daily basis using key inputs, such as energy consumption data, event participation outcomes, and weather forecasts. This pre-built integration will allow Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to share a flat file with Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System.
Event Status Update: A demand response event within Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System can be spread across different timeslots known as Event Stages. While an overall event in Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System is likely to span across multiple programs, each individual stage will be aligned to a single Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service program event.
To align such events to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service programs, the Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service program event corresponds to an Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System event stage. The Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service Program Event business object lifecycle has been enhanced to mirror the Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System event stages and its statuses.
While an event and its associated stages may transition through various statuses in Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System, the ones considered relevant to be updated on Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service program event are as follows:
SCHEDULED: Indicates that an event stage has been scheduled in Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System, and an equivalent program event is created in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service.
CANCELED: A scheduled event or stage has been cancelled in Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System, and the Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service program event will be transitioned from SCHEDULED to CANCELLED.
IN PROGRESS: Status when a previously scheduled event has reached its configured start time in Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System, and it will result in the Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service program event to transition from SCHEDULED to IN PROGRESS.
COMPLETED: Status when an event that was previously 'IN PROGRESS' has reached the configured end time in Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System, and it will transition the event from IN PROGRESS to COMPLETED in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service.
A stage can only be CANCELED after it has been SCHEDULED. If an event is canceled, all stages will be canceled too. Stages will transition according to their scheduled timing.
Device Reservation: Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System factors in the Device Score and Load Reduction Forecast to identify a list of controllable device when an event is ‘Scheduled’. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System will transfer the list of devices reserved for a program event to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to allow tracking of the event participation and calculating the score for the impacted controllable devices.
Event Outcome: On completion of a demand response event, Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System will receive the actual outcome for the devices that participated in the event via Oracle Utilities Live Energy Connect. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System will share the event outcome for each device with Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service so that event participation for each device can be updated and it can be factor during computation of device score.
The same event outcome data is also shared with Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights so that it can be used to compute the actual kWh avoided during the duration of participation.
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service is responsible for calculating the financial settlement amount for the customer's participation in a demand response event. When an event is concluded, Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System sends the device participation outcome to both Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and the Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights derives the actual energy (kWh) consumption avoided for the event duration using inputs from the event outcome message, the interval consumption data measured for the event duration, and the customer's consumption pattern.
After the event, Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service also receives the prices relevant to the event timeline, which could be hourly prices, market prices, or some other price components. Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service will use the energy avoided and the price inputs for the event duration to calculate the dollar amount that needs to be credited to the enrolled customer for their participation in the event.
Periodically or on the back of a business event (example: move-out, unenrollment) Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service will be aggregating the unbilled settlement credit amounts and sending it over to the CIS application to be processed on the customer's energy bill.
kWh Avoided: Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights calculates the actual reduction in energy consumption per service point. Periodically, Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights sends this data to be consumed for event settlement calculations.