Business Processes
This integration supports the following business processes:
The following diagram shows the business processes related to enrollments.Shows the business processes related to Enrollments.
Enrollment Request
Enrollment for customer-owned controllable assets can be initiated via Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System sends the enrollment request details to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to trigger the Enrollment process. In some scenarios, external systems can directly invoke the Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service to initiate such enrollments.
Enrollment Synchronization
After Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service successfully completes an enrollment, unenrollment, or device replacement, it sends the enrollment information, program subscription, and device information, to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights. Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service expects an acknowledgement from Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
DACS-DERMS Enrollment Synchronization Flow: This integration flow receives the enrollment, unenrollment, or device replacement information outbound message from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service one by one and sends the information to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System by invoking the DERMS Enroll REST Service. The outbound message contains the program subscription and device(s) information.
DACS-OUAI Enrollment Synchronization Flow: Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service creates a flat file containing the list of completed enrollments or unenrollments records. This integration flow picks up the file(s) from the Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service Content Server and sends it to the Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Object Storage for Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to pick and process. The file only contains the program subscription information; no device information is sent to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
Enrollment Acknowledgement
DERMS-DACS Enrollment Acknowledgement: After Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System receives the enrollment information, it sends a positive or negative acknowledgement back to the Enrollment Synchronization integration flow and it internally calls this flow to send the acknowledgement back to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service by invoking the DACS Update and Transition Sync Request REST Service. The enrollment in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service transitions to ‘Synchronized’ or ‘Error’ based on the acknowledgement received.
OUAI-DACS Enrollment Acknowledgement Integration Flow: After Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights processes the enrollment file coming from Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service, it creates an acknowledgement file. This integration flow picks up the file from the Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Content Server, transform the acknowledgement, and send it to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service one by one by invoking the DACS Update and Transition Synchronization Request REST Service. The enrollment in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service transitions to ‘Synchronized’ or ‘Error’ based on the acknowledgement received.
Event Participation
The following diagram shows the business processes related to event participation.
Program Event Status Update
When an event stage’s status is transitioned to scheduled, in progress, canceled, or completed, Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System sends the status updates to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service. Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service creates the program event when it receives a scheduled stage event and transitions to the other statuses as the updates are sent.
Device Score
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service creates a flat file containing the calculated device scores. This integration flow picks up file(s) from the Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service Content Server and sends the file to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System by invoking the DERMS Device Score REST Service.
Event Device Reservation
When controllable devices are selected to participate in an event and the event status is transitioned to ‘scheduled’, Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System sends Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service the devices reserved for specific event in a file.
If the Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System event contains multiple stages, Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System will send out an outbound message with the reserved devices file for each stage in the event. The file will always contain devices reserved for a specific stage or program event. This integration flow receives each file and send the reserved devices to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service by invoking the Program Event Participation - Reserve Device REST Service.
The integration then sends an acknowledgment back to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System when the process is completed or encountered an error.
Event Device Outcome
After demand response events have completed, Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System receives the actual outcome of all devices’ event participation from Oracle Utilities Live Energy Connect (LEC).
Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System aggregates and sends the device outcome per event-stage to both Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights for all controllable devices called to participate in an event or events through a file extract.
The data in the file can come from one event with multiple stages or multiple events with multiple stages. Each device that is called to participate in an event-stage will have one record in the file.
Example: If a service point has 2 devices linked to it and has participated in 2 different stages, then each device will have one outcome record in the file.
Stage 1, Program 1 from 2-4 pm - Device 1
Stage 2, Program 1 from 6-7pm - Device 2
DERMS-DACS Event Device Outcome Flow: This integration flow receives the event device outcome file from Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System and sends a collection of device outcome information to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service by invoking the Program Event Participation - Post Event Outcome REST Service.
DERMS-OUAI Enrollment Synchronization Flow: This integration flow receives the file from Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System and send it to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Object Storage for Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to pick up and process.
Load Reduction Forecast
When Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights computes an estimated load reduction forecast for each metered service point that is associated to an active program, Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights creates a flat file containing the load reduction forecast calculated. This integration flow picks up file(s) from the Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Content Server and sends the file to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Object Storage for Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to pick and process.
The following diagram shows the business processes related to financial settlements.Shows the business processes related to financial settlements.
Kwh Avoided
After demand response events have completed, Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights creates a flat file containing the calculated Kwh avoided or saved for each customer that participated in an event. This integration flow picks up the file(s) from Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Content Server and sends the file to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service Object Storage for Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to pick and process.