System Configuration
To configure the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing setup for the integration:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
2. Set up message senders. Refer to the Message Senders section for details.
3. Set up outbound message types. Refer to the Outbound Message Types section for details.
4. Set up an external system. Refer to the External System section for details.
5. Setup a Service Provider. Refer to the Service Provider section for details.
6. Manage feature configuration. Refer to the Feature Configuration section for details.
7. Setup the Dispatch group. Refer to the Dispatch Group section for details.
8. Manage Catalog Service. Refer to Accessing XAI Inbound Service as Inbound Web Service (IWS) the Managing Catalog Services section for details.
9. Setup field activity types. Refer to the Field Activity Types section for details.
10. Generate certificates. Refer to the Adding Oracle Integration Cloud Certificates section for more details.
Message Senders
Create a new message sender for each integration process initiated from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
To create a message sender:
1. Navigate to the Message Sender page from the Admin menu or from the Search menu.
2. Enter a unique message sender and its description.
3. Populate the following values:
Invocation Type - Real-time
Message Class - SOAPSNDR
Active - Select the checkbox.
MSG Encoding - UTF-8 message encoding
4. Select the Context tab and set values for the following context types:
HTTP Header - SOAPAction:”<operation name in the integration process wsdl>”
HTTP Login User - User ID to access the Oracle Integration for Cloud (OIC) flow
HTTP Password - Password to access the OIC flow
HTTP Timeout - 60
HTTP Transport Method - SendReceive
HTTP URL 1 - Set the integration process URL to be accessed.
If the URL value does not fit, use the additional HTTP URL types to set the complete URL.
SOAP Insert Timestamp (Y/N) - Y
Sender Security Type - TEXT
Message sender configuration for integration services
Message Sender
HTTP Header
Create/Update Activity
INT Create Update Activity-Message Sender-OFSC
Get Appointment
INT Get Apppointment-Message Sender-OFSC
Cancel Activity
INT Cancel Activity Message Sender - OFSC
Outbound Message Types
The following outbound message types are provided for each integration process.
On the Admin menu, navigate to the Outbound Message Type page. You can also navigate from the Search menu.
Outbound message types for integration services
Integration Service
Outbound Message Type
Outbound Message
Create/Update Activity
Interface Field Activity
Get Appointment
Get Available Appointment
Cancel Activity
Cancel Field Activity
External System
To create a new external system to support the integration:
1. Navigate to the External System page from the Admin menu or from the Search menu.
2. Enter a unique external system and description.
For example: Name = INT_OFSC_ES, Description = OFSC External System
3. Set the Our Name in Their System field to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
4. Associate the outbound message types and message senders created to the external system.
For each outbound message type, set the following:
Outbound Message Type - Outbound message type created for the respective integration service
Processing Method - Real-time
Message Sender - Set the message sender created for the integration service
Date/Time Format - XSD
Namespace Option - Standard Namespace
For more information about message senders and outbound message type for each integration service, refer to the Message Senders and Outbound Message Types sections respectively.
External system configuration for integration services
Example External System - INT_OFSC_ES
Integration Service
Outbound Message Type
Message Sender
CreateUpdate Activity
Get Appointment
Cancel Activity
Service Provider
Create a service provider with the respective external system.
To create a new service provider to support the integration:
1. From the Admin menu, navigate to the Service Provider page. You can also navigate from the Search menu.
2. Enter a unique Service Provider and Description.
Example: Name = INT_OFSC_SP, Description = INT_OFSC Service Provider
3. Set External System to the external system created for the integration layer. For details about external system, refer to the External System section.
Example: INT_OFSC_ES
4. Set Person ID to the Person representing this service provider. If it does not exist, create one in the Person page.
Feature Configuration
To create a new feature configuration:
1. Navigate to the Feature Configuration page from the Admin menu or from the Search menu.
2. Create a new feature configuration with Workforce Management as the Feature Type and enter required option types and values for the service provider you have configured for this integration.
3. Populate entries for the applicable options.
Possible Values
Allow Forced Appointments
Set to Y
Use this option to indicate if forced appointments are supported.
Allow Manual Appointment
Set to Y
Use this option to indicate if a user is allowed to manually set up an appointment.
Allow Manual Appointment Cancellation
Set to Y
Use this option to indicate if a user is allowed to manually cancel an appointment.
Allow Multiple Reservations
Set to N
Use this option to indicate if booking appointments for multiple field activities is allowed.
Allow Narrowing Of Appointment Window
Set to Y
Use this option to indicate if the user is allowed to further narrow down a selected appointment window.
Allow Slot Group
Set to Y
Appointment Forced Characteristic Type
When an appointment reservation is forced, a characteristic of this type is added to the field activity. Note that the field activity's FA type must also define this as a valid characteristic type.
Appointment Java Class Interface
This Java class implementation used to interface with the external system to support real time appointment interaction.
Default Days Of Available Appointment
Set it to 10
Determines the end date of the search period when choosing a dispatch group on the appointment page.
Hi-Low Review
Set to Y
Indicates if meter reads coming from the external system should be reviewed for Hi-Low failures and trended.
Intermediate Status to Prevent FA Cancel
Used to identify FA Intermediate Status values that should prevent the system from automatically canceling a Field Activity.
Intermediate Status To Skip Message
Identifies FA Intermediate Status value used when a Field Activity is created by an external system or when other information for a field activity is updated by an external system.
Service Provider
The service provider defined for your external system.
To Do Type for FA Response
Indicates the To Do type to use to create a To Do entry.
User Defined Criteria Field
Used on the Appointment page to add specific appointment selection criteria.
User Defined Result Field
Used on the Appointment page to add specific appointment selection result information.
Dispatch Group
A dispatch group is a logical group of representatives located at an operations area. When a field activity is created, the system assigns it to a dispatch group based on the type of activity, the type of service point, and the operations area that manages the service point.
Create a dispatch group to be used for field activities that are to be integrated with the other participating applications.
The code defined here must exactly match value for the property “ccb.dispatchgroup” defined in the CCBOFSC_ConfigProps DVM for Dispatch Group indicated.
Navigate to the Dispatch Group page from the Admin menu or from the Search menu. Ensure this dispatch group is linked to the above feature configuration.
Managing Catalog Services
The catalog service is used by Oracle Integration Cloud to communicate with the respective application. It is configured in Catalog URL in the Oracle Integration Cloud connection.
To configure the catalog service in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing:
1. Login to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.
2. Navigate to the Web Service Catalog page either from the Admin menu or the Search menu.
The external system and inbound web services are added to the catalog.
3. To get the catalog URL, append “webservices/builtin/ServiceCatalog?wsdl” to the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing URL.
For example: http(s)://<CCB_HOST>:<CCB_PORT>/<ContextRoot>/webservices/builtin/ServiceCatalog?wsdl
The following services to be added in the catalog:
Service Type
Service Name
External System
Inbound Web Service
Inbound Web Service
XAI Inbound Service
XAI Inbound Service
XAI Inbound Service
Note: For instructions to add an XAI Inbound Service to the web service catalog, refer to Accessing XAI Inbound Service as Inbound Web Service (IWS).
For more information about configuration, refer to the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing documentation.
Field Activity Types
While setting up field activity types, make sure that a field activity cannot include more than 7 steps if it has to be completed by an external system.
Following is the list of supported Field Activity Types:
FA Type Description
Steps to be Configured
Connect SP
Step 1: Connect SP
Install Meter
Step 1: Connect SP
Step 2: Install Meter
Remove Meter
Step 1: Remove Meter
Step 2: Disconnect SP
Disconnect SP
Step 1: Disconnect SP
Read Meter
Step 1: Read Meter
Replace Meter
Step 1: Remove Meter
Step 2: Install Meter
Replace Item
Step 1: Remove Item
Step 2: Install Item
Install Item
Step1: Connect SP
Step2: Install Item
Configuring Admin Data Tables
These are the global data values configured in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and can be used within the system for this integration.
The codes defined in these fields must exactly match values in the DVM/Lookups defined in integration layer.
Navigate to these pages from the Admin menu or from the Search menu.
Field Name
Corresponding DVM/Lookup
Disconnect Location
When a service point is disconnected from the supply source, a disconnect location must be specified.
Meter Read Instruction
When setting up a premise you may define instructions to be supplied to the individuals who read the meters located at the premise.
Meter Read Warning
When setting up a premise you may define warnings to be supplied to the individuals who read the meters located at the premise.
Meter Location
When you set up a metered service point you must define where the meter's service point is located on the property. A meter can be associated with the on-site installation location.
Time of Use
Every meter register can be associated with a time of use code.
Unit of Measure
Every meter register must be associated with a unit of measure (read type) code.
Read Type
Use Read Type to define WHO made the read and HOW the read was made
Meter Configuration Type
Every meter configuration must reference a meter configuration type. The meter configuration type indicates the valid (required or optional) unit of measure and time of use registers for the configuration.
Create a country code.
The Main page is used to customize the fields and field descriptions that are displayed where addresses are used in the system. This ensures that all addresses conform to the customary address format and conventions of the particular country you have defined.
Field Activity Type
Create the types required by your business and populate the necessary information to define your set of field activity types required for your business.
Premise Type
Define the premise types used to categorize your premises
SP Type
Define a service point type
Create the required device Manufacturer code
Create the required model code
Time Zone
When setting up as premise you may need to give the time zone value
Adding Oracle Integration Cloud Certificates
Add the Oracle Integration for Cloud (OIC) certificate to the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing stores whereever applicable to send transactions to the Oracle Integration for Cloud layer.
Accessing XAI Inbound Service as Inbound Web Service (IWS)
To access XAI Inbound Service as an IWS service (to be added in the Web Service Catalog):
1. Navigate to Feature Name (PMEMLCONFIG) > Feature Type (External Messages).
2. Add the Support XAI Deployment via IWS option and set the value to 'true'.
3. Redeploy the IWS services.
4. Reboot the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing environment.