Sample Messages
This chapter includes the following sample messages:
Sample Message Flow from NMS through Link Notification and Channel Information Process
Message Consumed from Source Notification Stream
Message To and From Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
Message Published to Target Stream
"accountId": "123456789",
"notificationType": "OUTAGE",
"messageId": "111",
"origin": "NMS",
"notificationTemplate": "",
"data": [
"key": "REASON",
"value": "STORM"
“key”: "ERT",
"value": "12-10-2021T10:00AM"
"C1AccNtfPref": {
"accounts": [
"sequence": "10",
"accountId": "123456789",
"notificationType": " OUTAGE"
"C1AccNtfPref": {
"accounts": [
"sequence": "10",
"accountId": "123456789",
"notificationType": "OUTAGE",
"cisDivision": "OH",
"notificationPreferences": [
“notificationPreferenceId”: "18384304332111",
"deliveryType": "EMAIL",
"personContact": {
"personId": "PerId123",
"contactId": "Cont111",
"language": "ENG",
"firstName": "ABC Business”,
"lastName": "",
"contactValue": "",
"template": "OUTEMAIL"
"notificationPreferenceId": "18586367394027","customerContactId":"",
"deliveryType": "SMS",
"personContact": {
"personId": "PerId123",
"contactId": "Cont333",
"language": "ENG",
"firstName": "Ben",
"lastName": "Baker",
"contactValue": "19734445678",
"template": "OUTSMS"
Two messages are published in this sample.
Message 1
"messageId": "45303230363835333838363231373738 ",
"origin": "NMS",
"accountId": "123456789",
"notificationType": "OUTAGE",
"cisDivision": "OH",
"contactId": "Cont111",
"personId": "PerId123",
"language": "ENG",
"firstName": "ABC Business",
"lastName": "",
"deliveryChannel": "EMAIL",
"deliveryValue": "",
"notificationTemplate": "OUTEMAIL",
"deliveryInstance": "RESP1",
"data": [
"key": "REASON",
"value": "STORM"
"key": "ERT",
"value": "12-10-2021T10:00AM"
Message 2
"messageId":"570303230363835333838363231373738 ",
"origin": "NMS",
"accountId": "123456789",
"notificationType": "OUTAGE",
"cisDivision": "OH",
"contactId": "Cont333",
"personId": "PerId123",
"language": "ENG",
"firstName": "Ben",
"lastName": "Banter",
"deliveryChannel": "SMS",
"deliveryValue": "19734445678",
"notificationTemplate": "OUTSMS",
"deliveryInstance": "RESP1",
"data": [
“key”: "REASON",
"value": "STORM"
"key": "ERT",
"value": "12-10-2021T10:00AM"
Sample CCB Notification Message to the TargetNotificationStream OCI Stream
CCB Outbound Message
Message Published to TargetNotificationStream
"sendDetail": {
"accountId": "4128974892",
"cisDivision": "CA",
"notificationType": "BILLDUE",
"notificationInstanceId":"00000000001", "syncRequestId": null,
"timezone" :"USEstern",
"deliveryInfo": [
"deliveryType": "SMS",
"contactValue": "10000000000", "templateName": "BILLDUE-SMS", "dndStartTime": "",
"dndEndTime": "",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"language": "ENG",
"personId": "9251189340",
"contactId": "9252198992",
"overrrideDND": "",
"notificationPreferenceId": "04878213560769",
“templateParm”: [
“key”: "AMOUNT_DUE",
"value": "6080.05"
"key": "BILL_DT",
"value": "2022-01-01"
"key": "BILL_DUE_DATE",
"value": "2022-01-17"
"key": "BILL_ID",
"value": "412219634128"
"value": "USD"
"value": "$"
"value": " Street, San Francisco, CA,94104, USA, Single family home,6206198576"
"value": " Street, San Francisco, CA,94104, USA, Single family home,6206198576"
"messageId": "35303230363835333838363231373738 "null,
"origin": "CCB",
"accountId": "4128974892",
"notificationType": "BILLDUE",
"cisDivision": "CA",
"contactId": "9252198992",
"personId": "9251189340",
"language": "ENG",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"deliveryChannel": "SMS",
"deliveryValue": "10000000000",
"notificationTemplate": "BILLDUE-SMS", "deliveryInstance": "RESP1",
"eventCapturedDTTM":"15-07-2022 19:29:59"
"data": [
"key": "AMOUNT_DUE",
"value": "6080.05"
"key": "BILL_DT",
"value": "2022-01-01"
"key": "BILL_DUE_DATE",
"value": "2022-01-17"
"key": "BILL_ID",
"value": "412219634128"
"value": "USD"
"value": "$"
"value": " Street, San Francisco, CA, 94104, USA, Single family home, 6206198576"
"value": " Street, San Francisco, CA, 94104, USA, Single family home, 6206198576"
Sample Outage NMS Notification Message to SourceNotificationStream OCI Stream Message
NMS Notification Message (JSON)
SourceNotificationStream (JSON)
"notifications": [
"id": 9005,
"trigger": 2,
"planned": "N",
"event": {
"eventidx": 6752,
"outagetime": 1707409180,
"completiontime": 1707409334,
"estresttime": 1707412861,
"customersout": 5,
"cause": "TROUBLE_CALL",
"creweta": 0
"customers": [
"acct": "2200639",
"addr": "13959 GREENLAND AVE NW, Lake Twp., OH, 44685"
"acct": "2201269",
"addr": "13923 GREENLAND AVE NW, Lake Twp., OH, 44685"
"acct": "2205083",
"addr": "13875 GREENLAND AVE NW, Lake Twp., OH, 44685"
"acct": "2200881",
"addr": "13905 GREENLAND AVE NW, Lake Twp., OH, 44685"
"acct": "2201270",
"addr": "13941 GREENLAND AVE NW, Lake Twp., OH, 44685"
"picklist": [
"name": "action_text",
"value": ""
"name": "adv_weather_om",
"value": "Unselected"
"name": "breaker_text",
"value": ""
"name": "cause_om",
"value": "Primary Mesh"
"name": "control_zone_text",
"value": "OPAL Stark
"name": "office_text",
"value": ""
"name": "other_cause_om",
"value": "Overload"
"name": "primary_cause_om",
"value": "Foreign Interference"
"name": "remedy_om",
"value": "Equipment Removed"
"name": "scheduled_dev_om",
"value": "Unselected"
"name": "system_om",
"value": "Transmission OH"
"name": "trans_text",
"value": ""
Lake Lake Sub 2414"
"name": "def_equip_om",
"value": "Customers Equipment"
"name": "device_text",
"value": "T11449"
"name": "district_text",
"value": ""
"name": "division_text",
"value": ""
"name": "emerg_sw_order_text",
"value": ""
"name": "est_out_om",
"value": ""
"name": "failure_om",
"value": "Unknown"
"name": "feeder_text",
"value": ""
"name": "foreign_interf_om",
"value": "Unselected"
"name": "human_elem_om",
"value": "Unselected"
"name": "interrupt_dev_om",
"value": "Substation Breaker"
"accountId": "6386568150",
"notificationType": "ZZ-UOUT",
"messageId": "2088",
"origin": "NMS",
"notificationTemplate": "",
"data": [
"value": "10375 Newbury Ave NW,Uniontown, OH 44685"
"key": "CAUSE",
"value": "TROUBLE_CALL"
"key": "CREWETA",
"value": "0"
"key": "OUTAGETIME",
"value": "1646921959"
"value": "1646926759"
"value": "-1"
"value": "1"
"name": "type_om",
"value": "Unselected"
"name": "vegetation_om",
"value": "Unselected"
Sample OU CCB Notif MetaData Sync Message
Message Received from CCB API Call (C1-TemplateBasedNotifTypes)
"notificationTypes": {
"notificationType": [
"notificationType": "BILL_DUE_TMPL",
"notificationPushSub": "C1SU",
"isCustomerContactRequired": false,
"overrideDoNotDisturb": false,
"hasOverrideDelivery": false,
"descriptions": {
"description": [
"description": "Bill Due (Template Based)",
"language": "ARA"
"description": "Bill Due (Template Based)",
"language": "ENG"
"description": "Bill Due (Template Based)",
"language": "ESA"
"description": "Bill Due (Template Based)",
"language": "FRA"
"description": "Bill Due (Template Based)",
"language": "POL"
"description": "Bill Due (Template Based)",
"language": "ZHS"
"deliveryTypes": {
"deliveryType": [
"deliveryType": "EMAI",
"isDefaultEnabled": false,
"templateNames": {
"templateName": [
"language": "ENG",
"templateName": "Bill Due - Email"
"deliveryType": "SMS",
"isDefaultEnabled": false,
"templateNames": {
"templateName": [
"language": "ENG",
"templateName": "Bill Due - SMS"