Configuring Agent (if applicable)
Create an agent group in Oracle Integration Cloud and install agent on the on-premises server before creating/activating an integration in which messages are exchanged between the on-premises applications and Oracle Integration Cloud. The agent related configurations are needed only if the server points to an on-premises application.
This section includes:
Possible Combinations
The possible combination of an agent group is:
Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service on-premises and Oracle Field Service
Creating an Agent Group
Create an agent group in Oracle Integration Cloud before running the agent installer. When the on-premises agent is installed in the environment, the on-premises agent is associated with the agent group identifier.
For a single Oracle Integration Cloud instance, you can create up to five agent groups. Creating the agent group also creates the necessary queues required for message exchange.
To create an agent group:
1. Login to Oracle Integration Cloud.
2. On the Home page, navigate to Integration > Agents.
3. Click Create Agent Group.
4. Enter the following information:
Agent Group Name
Note: The agent group name and identifier must be same.
5. Click Create.
Downloading and Installing On-Premises Agent
Download the agent installer from Oracle Integration Cloud and run the installer to install the on-premises agent in your local environment. During the installation, associate the agent with the Agent Group Identifier generated when creating an agent group in Oracle Integration Cloud.
For more information on agent installer, refer to the Download and Run the Connectivity Agent Installer section in the Oracle Integration Cloud documentation.
To install an on-premises agent:
1. Login to Oracle Integration Cloud.
2. On the Home page, navigate to Integration > Agents.
3. Click Download.
4. Select Connectivity Agent.
5. Select Save File when prompted to save the file to a directory location on your on-on-premises host.
6. Navigate to that directory and unzip
7. Change the file permissions to be executable.
8. Download the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service certificate and upload it to agent. Run the following command from the agent Home directory.
keytool -import -file directoryPath/sample.crt -alias SampleCert -keystore <Agent_Home>/agenthome/agent/cert/keystore.p12
9. Modify InstallerProfile.cfg to include the following information.
a. Provide the oic_URL value with the OIC SSL host name.
Example: https://OIC_host:OIC_port
b. Add the username and password in the config file itself.
c. Provide the agent_GROUP_IDENTIFIER. It should be the Agent Group Identifier generated when creating an agent group created in Oracle Integration Cloud.
d. Set the proxy parameters if the connectivity agent is used with a proxy in the on-premises environment. Save the InstallerProfile.cfg file.
e. Set the JAVA_HOME property to the directory/folder where JDK is installed.
Note: Before running the connectivity agent installer, perform the steps in the Oracle Utilities Adapter with Oracle Integration documentation.
f. Run the connectivity agent installer from the command prompt.
java -jar connectivityagent.jar
g. Provide the Oracle Integration Cloud credentials when prompted, if they are not added in the InstallerProfile.cfg file.
h. Wait for a successful installation and “Agent started successfully” message to appear.
After the installation is complete, an agent instance is created to interact with Oracle Integration Cloud.
To verify if the agent instance was created:
1. Navigate to Integration > Agents in Oracle Integration Cloud.
2. Check if the agent count for your Agent Group is increased by one.
3. Click the number to view the agent details.
For more details, refer to Oracle Integration Cloud documentation.