Base Package Service Task Types

This section provides descriptions of the service task types provided with the base package.

Service Task Type

Business Object

Detailed Description

Related Transaction Business Object

Appointment Notification Task Type C1-NotifyAppointmentTaskType This business object is used to capture the information to use in appointment notification processing. Appointment Notification Task
Create Customer Contact Task Type C1-CreateCustContactTaskType This business object is used to capture the information to use in create customer contact task processing. Customer Contact Request Task
Direct Debit Task Type C1-DirectDebitMandateTaskType This business object defines configuration information that is used for processing Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debit transactions. Direct Debit Mandate Task
FA Completion Task Type C1-FACompletionTaskType This business object captures the attributes used in field activity completion task processing. FA Completion Task
Field Activity Remark Task Type C1-FieldActivityRemarkTaskType This business object is used to capture the information to use in create field activity remark task processing. Field Activity Remark Task
Form Task Type C1-FormTaskType This business object captures attributes relevant for a particular form type to be used when a self-service customer creates a form. Form Task
Missed Appointment Notification Task Type C1-NotifyMissedApptTaskType This business object is used to capture the information to use in missed appointment processing. Missed Appointment Notification Task
Notification Task Type C1-NotifyTaskType This business object captures information about a notification that is made available for sign-up by self-service users. Notification Preferences
Net Energy Metering Task Type C1-NEMTrueUpTaskType This business object is used to maintain the various configuration options that are used by the true up monitor (TUM) business object's algorithms. It defines the length of the true up period as well as the adjustments types used during the true up process. For true up reversals, the adjustment cancel reason to use is also captured here. True Up Monitor Task
Outage Call Type C1-OutageCallType This business object defines the behavior of an outage call type used to support trouble calls captured in CCB and integrated to NMS. Outage Call
Payment Arrangement Task Type C1-PATaskType This business object defines the expected behavior for when a self-service user requests a payment arrangement. Payment Arrangement Task
PPB Payment Notification Task Type C1-PPBPaymentNotifyTaskType This business object captures information about the Prepaid Billing Payment Request notification that is made available for sign-up by self-service users. Notification Preferences
Prepay Biller Task Type C1-PrepayBillerTaskType This business object defines the behavior of a prepay biller task type used in smart meter prepay billing. Prepay Biller Task
Product Offer Publish C1-ProductOffer This business object contains the product offer elements that are relevant when publishing product offers to Siebel Energy. It is used to read product offer information when building the initial and final snapshots for the sync request. Not defined
Product Offer Task Type C1-ProductOfferTaskType This business object is used to define the behavior of a product offer. Product offers are configured in CCB and published to Siebel Energy. Not defined
SA Creation Rule Publish C1-SACreationRule This business object contains the SA creation rule elements that are relevant when publishing product offers to Siebel Energy. It is used to read SA creation rule information when building the initial and final snapshots for the sync request. Not defined
SA Creation Rule Task Type C1-SACreationRuleTaskType This business object defines the behavior of the SA creation rules for a product offer. Each SA creation rule indicates the type of service agreement to create for the product offer. Not defined
Service Request Task Type C1-ServiceRequestTaskType This business object is used as a parent service task type business object for service request related task types such as appointment notification, missed appointment and customer contact creation requests. Not defined
Siebel Customer Maintenance Task Type C1-CustomerMaintenanceTaskType This business object is used in the Siebel integration. When a customer maintenance request is received from Siebel, an inbound service determines the service task type to use for the event. Siebel Customer Maintenance Task
Start/Stop Task Type C1-StartStopTaskType This business object defines the expected behavior for when a self-service user requests to start, stop or transfer service. Start/Stop Request Task