Setting Up Customer Service Request Types

This portal is used to display and maintain a Customer Service Request Type.

A Customer Service Request Type controls how a specific customer service request is processed.

Refer to Understanding Customer Service Requests for more information.

To maintain customer service request types, open Admin > Customer > Customer Service Request Type.

You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for a specific customer service request type. Once a question is selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal's Main tab, to view and maintain the selected record.

Refer to the zone's embedded help for more information.

The Questions tab is used to configure one or more questions to ask during the flow of a start/stop/transfer service request. Refer to Setting Up Customer Service Request Questions.

The Service Eligibility tab is used to configure one or more service eligiblity crtieria that are applied using question responses and existing information for the customer or premise request. Refer to Setting Up Service Eligibility Criteria.

The Related Updates tab is used to configure how question responses should be stored when the servicer request is processed and/or completed. Refer to Setting Up Response-Related Updates.