Fieldwork Reschedule Reason

Some organizations require a reschedule reason to be specified when a field activity or field order's schedule date/time is changed. To achieve this, you must set up a fieldwork options feature configuration and ensure that the Reschedule Reason Required option is set to Y. The Default Reschedule Reason option should also be specified. This option value will be used when the system updates a field activity's schedule date/time behind the scenes. To define reschedule reasons, open Admin > Field Work > Fieldwork Reschedule Reason.

Description of Page

Enter a Reschedule Reason and Description for every field activity/field order reschedule reason.


For more information on how to audit changes to a field activity or field order's schedule date/time, refer to the Field Activity Rescheduling - Audit and Field Order Rescheduling - Audit business objects.