Algorithms to Link Additional Person via Order

The base product has provided two algorithm types to support the linking of an additional person to the account via the order page: a validation algorithm type and a posting algorithm type.

Validate Addition Person Information

This algorithm is a column reference validation algorithm which checks that either a person id or person name, a valid ID type and ID number are provided and that a valid account relationship type is provided. Refer to CRVL-PE for more information. You must define an appropriate algorithm for this algorithm type and on that algorithm you must define the column reference used for the five fields required for this validation. For example:

  • Algorithm: VAL ADD PER
  • Description: Validate Additional Person Info
  • Algorithm Type: CRVL-PE
  • Parameter1: (Column Reference for Person ID): PERSON-ID
  • Parameter2: (Column Reference for Person Name): PERSON-NAME
  • Parameter3: (Column Reference for Person ID Type): PER-ID-TYPE
  • Parameter4: (Column Reference for Person ID Number): PER-ID-NUM
  • Parameter5: (Column Reference for Account Relationship Type): ACCT-REL-TYPE

Post Addition Person

This algorithm is a column reference posting algorithm that may link an existing person to the order's account or create a new person and link that person to the order's account. Refer to CRPS-PE for more information. You must define an appropriate algorithm for this algorithm type, and on that algorithm you must define the column reference used for the five fields required for this logic. For example:

  • Algorithm: LINK ADDNTL PER
  • Description: Link additional person to order's account
  • Algorithm Type: CRPS-PE
  • Parameter1: (Column Reference for Person ID): PERSON-ID
  • Parameter2: (Column Reference for Person Name): PERSON-NAME
  • Parameter3: (Column Reference for Person ID Type): PER-ID-TYPE
  • Parameter4: (Column Reference for Person ID Number): PER-ID-NUM
  • Parameter5: (Column Reference for Account Relationship Type): ACCT-REL-TYPE

Update the Column Reference. Now that you have defined the validation and posting algorithms, return to your column reference for account relationship type and define the algorithms there.