Interval Billing Table Setup Sequence

The following table defines the table setup sequence required if your company has purchased the interval billing component.



General Environment

Seasonal Time Shift

Admin, Seasonal Time Shift

Time Zone

Admin, Time Zone

Installation - Framework

Admin, Installation Options - Framework

Indicate whether Seasonal Time Shift is required.


Admin, Installation Options

Set Base Time and Start Day Option.

Interval Billing Environment

Bill Factor

Menu, Rates, Bill Factor

Note: earlier, you may have created bill factors for your general Rates environment. At this point, you may need to add more bill factors to satisfy your interval billing needs.

Interval Profile Relationship Type

Admin, Interval Profile Relationship Type

[Note - you won't be able to define the collection of valid Interval Profile Types until after you define the Interval Profile Types.]

Interval Profile Type

Admin, Interval Profile Type

[Note - you may need to define new algorithm types and algorithms if your interval profile type requires creation or validation algorithms.]


Admin, Algorithm.

You will need to set up the creation and validation algorithms needed for an Interval Profile Type.

Shared Profiles

Menu, Interval Billing, Interval Profile

Note: this is needed at this time if you want to create Start Options, which reference shared profiles.

Interval Registers

Interval Register Type

Admin, Interval Register Type

Meter Configuration Type

Admin, Meter Configuration Type

Note: earlier, you may have created meter configuration types for your general meter environment. At this point, you may need to add more meter configuration types for registers, which are used for interval or index channels.

Meter Type

Admin, Meter Type

Note: earlier, you may have created meter types for your general meter environment. At this point, you may need to add more meter types for meters, which are used for interval or index channels.

Time of Use Billing

Time of Use

Admin, Time of Use

Note: earlier, you may have created time of use codes for your meter environment. At this point, you may need to add more time of use codes to satisfy your time of use mapping.

TOU Group

Admin, TOU Group

Bill Factor

Menu, Rates, Bill Factor

At this point you may need to set up bill factors that are specifically for time of use pricing.

TOU Map Relationship Type

Admin, TOU Map Relationship Type

[Note - you won't be able to define the collection of valid TOU Map Types until after you define the TOU Map Types.]

TOU Map Type

Admin, TOU Map Type


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up any creation algorithms needed for your TOU map types.

TOU Map Templates

Admin, TOU Map Template

Note: this is not required, but will help to set up data for your TOU Maps.

Shared TOU Maps

Menu, Interval Billing, TOU Map

Note: this is needed at this time if you want to create Start Options, which reference shared TOU maps.

Contract Options

Contract Option Type

Admin, Contract Option Type


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up any validation algorithms needed for your contract option types.

Contract Option Event Type

Admin, Contract Option Event Type

SA Interval Billing Rate Environment


At this point, you are ready to set up your interval billing and time of use rates and calculation rules. Refer to the Rate Environment section in the Control Table Setup Sequence.

SA Interval Billing Controls

SA Type

Admin, SA Type

Note: earlier you may have created your SA Types. At this point you may need to modify interval related SA Types to add valid interval information. Refer to the SA Type section in the Control Table Setup Sequence.

Start Option

Admin, SA Type Start Option

Note: earlier you may have created your SA Type Start Options. At this point you may need to modify interval related SA Type Start Options to add valid interval information. Refer to the SA Type section in the Control Table Setup Sequence.


You may have customers with interval billing, time of use billing and contract options all required for their rate. For simplification of the table, these control tables were listed in separate sections.