Match Events Match Debit FTs To Credit FTs

For open-item customers, the system matches credit financial transactions (FT's) to debit FT's under a match event. The following is an example of a match event associated with two $500 payments that satisfy the debt associated with one bill (on February 2000).

Notice the following:

  • The match event matches 2 credit FT's against a single debit FT. A match event may contain an unlimited number of FT's.
  • The match event contains FT's associated with a single account. While the FT's under a match event may belong to multiple service agreements, all FT's under a match event must belong to the same account.
  • The match event only contains bill segments that belong to a single bill. If you mix multiple bills under a single match event, then an individual bill balance cannot be properly determined when partial payments exist.
  • The status of the match event is balanced. This is because the sum of the debits equals the sum of the credits. If debits do not equal credits, the status of the match event would be open and the various FT's would still affect the customer's aged debt. Refer to Match Event Lifecycle for more information.

It is strongly encouraged that you refrain from mixing multiple bills on a single match event. If you stick by the rule of "just one bill per match event" you will then be able to determine the outstanding balance of a partially paid bill (see the bill page, bill summary section). However, if you mix more than one bill under a match event, a particular bill's balance may become indeterminate. Algorithm types have been provided which help to enforce this rule of "one bill per match event", please refer to Match By Bill, Pay Oldest Bill First for an example of a matching algorithm that enforces this notion.