Generic Equipment

Some companies do not badge their equipment, but they still need to keep track of the type of equipment that is linked to service points, meters and badged-items. For example,

  • You may want to keep track of the type of modem linked to a meter, but you don't care about the individual modem or pulse-initiator
  • You may want to keep track of the type of backflow device linked to a water meter

Why is generic equipment recorded in the system? Generic equipment gets linked to SP's / meters / items when the type of equipment linked to an SP / meter / item affects bill calculations. For example, some water companies charge extra if a backflow device is present at a service point.

If you encounter the need for generic equipment, do the following:

  • Create an Item Type for each type of unbadged equipment. On this item type, indicate that items of this type may be linked to multiple SP's / meters / items. Note: we recommend suffixing the description of the item type with the word "generic".
  • Update the relevant meter type(s) / SP type(s) / item type(s) to indicate that they may use equipment associated with the generic item type.
  • Create one (1) item for each type of unbadged equipment. Note: we recommend suffixing the description of the item type with the word "generic".
  • Link the generic item to the relevant SP's / meters / items.