Non-Billed Budget Recommendation Rule

Recommendation rules are used to recommend scheduled payments for Non-Billed Budgets. For information about designing recommendation rules, refer to Designing Recommendation Rules.

To define recommendation rules, navigate to Admin > Financial > NBB Recommendation Rule > Add.

Description of Page

Enter an easily recognizable Recommendation Rule code and Description for each recommendation rule.

Specify the Average Daily Amount Algorithm used to calculate the average daily amount for this recommendation rule.

Specify the Payment Schedule Algorithm Type used to create the recommended payment scheduled for Non-Billed Budgets that use this recommendation rule. The Payment Schedule Algorithm Type cannot be modified if a Non-Billed Budget SA that is not stopped or cancelled is using this recommendation rule.

Payment Schedule Parameters enables you to define collections of default parameter values for the payment schedule algorithm type that are effective dated. For each collection:

  • Effective Date defines the date on which the collection of parameter values becomes effective.
  • NBB Rule Parameter Value specifies the default value of each parameter supplied to the algorithm. Note that the payment schedule algorithm type controls the number and type of parameters.
  • Override indicates whether the user can override the default value for the parameter.