Create A Workflow Event Type - Activation Algorithm For Every Batch Job

As described under The Big Picture of Scheduling Batch Jobs, the system creates a workflow process when a job stream is initiated. The workflow process's events cause Pending batch jobs to be created when the workflow events are activated.

A base-package Workflow Event Type - Activation algorithm exists that creates a Pending batch job (the indtity of the batch job is defined as a parameter on the algorithm). This means that you need to set up a Workflow Event Type - Activation Algorithm for every batch job.

Besides defining the batch job's batch control code, the base-package algorithm, C1-WFAC-CRBJ also allows you to define the following values on each algorithm:

  • The number of parallel threads that should be submitted. If this parameter is left blank, the batch job is submitted using a single thread. If a value greater than one is defined, the system automatically initiates this number of parallel threads. For example, if you want to kick the BILLING batch process using 20 parallel threads, specify a value of 20 in the respective algorithm's parameters. Refer to Optimal Thread Count for Parallel Background Processes for more information of executing a batch process in parallel threads.
  • The override email address used to inform that a batch job has finished. If this parameter is specified, email is sent to this address when a batch job completes informing the recipient of its successful completion (or failure). Note, this address overrides the email address defined on the Feature Configuration for the batch scheduler (meaning that you need only populate this parameter if you want the email to be sent to someone other than the global email recipient defined on the Feature Configuration).
  • The value of all batch job-specific parameters. Some batch jobs have job-specific parameters. For example, the Account Debt Monitor (ADM) batch process has a parameter that controls if calendar or workdays should be used when calculating dates. Values for the job-specific parameters may be defined on the batch code. In addition, override values may be defined on the algorithm's parameters. For example, you can define if calendar days or workdays are used when you set up the algorithm that submits the Account Debt Monitor batch process.