Installing / Removing An Item

The installation of an item is a small part of the process of starting / stopping service. This process begins when a customer requests service at an item-based service point without an item. It continues with the creation of a field activity to connect service. When the system is advised of the results of the field activity, it creates a SP / Item history record (which you can see on this page).

The removal of an item from a service point involves an exact analogy where you use the SP / Item Installation page to indicate when the item was removed.

The remainder of this section is limited to a discussion about how to use the SP / Item Installation page.


For more information about starting / stopping service, refer to The Big Picture Of Starting Service and The Big Picture Of Stopping Service. For more information about how the results of a field activity are advised to the system, refer to How Does A Field Order Get Completed?. For more information about setting up field activity types to install and remove meters from service points, refer to Setting Up Field Activity Types.