Read History

This page shows the history of a register's reads. Open this page using Menu > Meter Read > Read History.

Description of Page

Register ID identifies the register whose reads are shown in the grid.

Note: How to scroll through a meter's registers. If a Meter has multiple registers, use the meter's context menu and choose Go to Read History to be presented with a list of all of the meter's registers. Then select the first register. You can then use the Next (Alt-N) and Previous (Alt-P) buttons to scroll through the meter's registers.

Filter by controls the reads that appear in the grid:

  • If you want to restrict the history to reads that are eligible to appear on a bill, choose Billable Reads Only. This is the default value.
  • If you want to see all reads linked to the register, choose All .
  • If you want to restrict the history to reads that are NOT eligible to appear on a bill, choose Non-Billable Reads Only.

The remaining points describe the columns in the grid.

Read Date/Time is the date and time of the meter read.

The Read Difference column shows the difference between this read and the previous read.

CAUTION: The value of Read Difference does NOT take into account constants; it is purely the difference between the respective read and the previous read. Refer to Bill History for a query that shows the history of billed consumption.

The Message column highlights the following:

  • The resultant usage. For subtractive registers, this is the difference between this read and the prior read. For consumptive registers, this is the register reading.
  • The valid usage. This is the range of usage that won't trigger a high / low failure. These values are not shown if the read was not subject to high / low checks when it was added.
  • The valid readings. This is the range of readings that won't trigger a high / low failure. These values are not shown if the read was not subject to high / low checks when it was added. Note, these values are only calculated for subtractive registers as the valid usage is the same as the valid readings for consumptive registers.

The Message column is red for those readings that have failed high / low checks.

Fastpath: Refer to High / Low Checks for more information.

The High/Low Failed column is checked if the read was not within the boundaries of the estimated high and low read values calculated by the system at the time the read was validated.

Refer to Meter Read - Main for the definition of all other columns.