Service Quantity Snapshot

For service agreements where the meter reads are maintained in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, the service quantity (SQ) snapshot is the total amount consumed for each unit of measure referenced on the bill segment's meter read snapshot. For service agreements where the meter reads are not maintained in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and bill determinants are requested from a meter data management system via a usage request, the service quantity (SQ) snapshot is the total amount consumed (or peak amount) for each unit of measure referenced on the bill segment's usage request


Pre-Processing Calculation Rules. If the service agreement's rate has pre-processing calculation rules, they may alter the amount of measured consumption or add additional units of measure to the SQ snapshot. Refer to All Calculation Rule-Based Rates Share a Common Structure for more information about pre-processing calculation groups.

Lamps and estimated consumption. If any of the items linked to the service agreement's service points indicate the system should estimate consumption (e.g., lamps), additional entries will be added to the SQ snapshot for each such item. Refer to Setting Up Estimated Consumption For Items for more information.

Meter read details used for interim calculations are ignored when producing the service quantity snapshot.