One Time Payments

A one time payment is a one-off, non-recurring payment option where the third party payment processing is authorized to collect a payment from a utility customer’s credit card or bank account.

One time payments can be immediate or scheduled:
  • Immediate one-time payments are processed on the same date that the payment is created/captured in the third party payment processing system.

  • Scheduled one-time payments are processed at a future date that the customer designates.

The base product provides an inbound web service C1-ThirdPartyOneTimePayNotification that receives one time payment information from the third party payment processor, and, based on the required action, creates/updates the payment in the system. This web service supports the following functions:
  • Creating an immediate or scheduled one time payment.

  • Updating a scheduled one time payment

  • Processing a scheduled one time payment

  • Canceling a processed one time payment

The following sections describe these actions.