How Are Write-Off Processes (and their Events) Canceled?

When a stopped service agreement's balance is reduced to zero (i.e., it closes), the system checks if there is an ongoing write-off process associated with the service agreement. If so:

  • The system "removes" the service agreement from the write-off process.
  • When the last service agreement is removed from a write-off process, the system cancels all pending write-off events and deactivates the write-off process.
  • If the canceled process has collection agency referrals, the system cancels the referrals.

Real time cancellation. Unlike collection processes, the system cancels write-off processes real time (i.e., there is no equivalent of the collection process monitor for write-off processes). This means that if a customer (or collection agency) pays for a service agreement that is linked to write-off process, the system will cancel the process and its collection agency referrals (if any) the moment the payment is entered.


Refer to Setting Up Write Off Process Templates for more information about write off process templates.

Besides the automated cancellation process, a user may cancel a write-off process at will.