MR Upload Staging - Main

To view the details of a meter read upload record, open Menu > Meter Read > MR Upload Staging.

Description of Page

MR Upload Staging ID is the system-generated unique identifier of the staging record.

The Meter ID Type identifies what type of Meter ID is listed in the upload record. This along with the Meter ID Number will help the system to identify the correct meter.

The Badge Number is the meter's badge number.

The Meter ID Number acts as an alternative identifier for the meter in case the badge number is not known or not unique. This along with the Meter ID Type will help the system to identify the correct meter.

Read Date / Time are just that.

Use on Bill is used to indicate whether or not the uploaded meter read may be used by billing.

Upload Status shows the state of the meter read upload record. Potential values are: Pending, Complete, Error. Set the value to Pending for any record that should be processed the next time the meter read upload process runs.

Meter Read ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the related meter read. This value is populated after the meter read upload process creates a meter read for the meter read upload record.

Use Meter Read Source to define the source (e.g., the reader, the reading agency, etc.) of the read.

Meter Configuration ID is the meter configuration that was read. If this field is left blank, it will be populated by MUP1 - Populate Meter Configuration during the meter read upload process (the system uses the Badge Number to do this).

Use Meter Reader for the ID of the person that read the meter.

If the read is interfaced from an external meter read agency, you can use Geographic Type and Geographic Value to identify the service point at which the read took place. If this value is specified, the system will look for a service point with the given type and value that has a meter currently installed at it with the specified Badge Nbr. This facility is useful if you have duplicate badge numbers but have uniquely identified your service points (e.g., with a universal ID).

The scroll that follows contains the register reading(s). The following information is displayed.

Read Sequence This must correspond with a sequence number on the meter configuration's register.

Read Type Use this field to define WHO made the read and HOW the read was made. The value of this field is important because it affects which meter read will be used by billing if multiple reads exist during a billing period. Refer to the Description of Page under Meter Read - Main for the list of valid values.

Unit Of Measure This must correspond with the unit of measure code on the register. Refer to Meter Configuration Maintenance for more information.

Time of Use If specified, this must correspond with the time of use code on the register. Refer to Meter Configuration Maintenance for more information.

Register Reading This is the register's reading.

Hi/Low Review Indicates if the register reading should be subject to high / low review.