Lifecycle Of Terms Of Service

The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a terms of service record.

The Terms of Service lifecycle is comprised of the Pending, Active, and Canceled states. The terms of service record is created in the Pending state. It moves to the Active state when all the desired information has been populated. A pending or active terms of service can be transitioned to the Canceled state when it will no longer be used.

Pending The terms of service record is created in pending status. You may delete a pending TOS. If you want to keep a record of the TOS, you may cancel it rather than deleting it.

Active Only active terms of service records are considered effective. Change the status to active when you have entered all the desired information for this TOS. You may delete an active terms of service if the umbrella agreement is still pending. (Otherwise you must cancel the TOS.)

Canceled You may cancel a pending or active terms of service if it should no longer be used. Canceling a terms of service record unlinks all its service agreements.