Capturing Custom Elements in the Start, Stop, and Transfer Processes

Your business rule may require capturing information beyond what is delivered in the start, stop, and transfer processes. Additional elements can be added to specific places in the processes and the values then made available to the requests and therefore the request’s lifecycle algorithms.

To create custom extensions in the processes, create a new data area to hold the custom elements that extends the Panel Extension Data Area where you want to make the extension. The data areas need to use UI Hints or map fragments.

To pass the custom elements values from the process to the request, make the identical extension to the corresponding Request Extension Data Area. The system handles copying the values using “move by name”.



Panel Extension Data Area

Request Extension Data Area


Move-To Premise



Customer Identification C1-StartCustIDPanelExtend C1-StartCustIDCSRExtend
Services to Start C1-StartSvcToStartPanelExtend C1-StartSvcToStartCSRExtend
Person and Account Details C1-StartAcctDetailPanelExtend C1-StartAcctDetailCSRExtend
Stop Services to Stop C1-StopSvcToStopPanelExtend C1-StopSvcToStopCSRExtend
Person and Account Details C1-StopAcctDetailPanelExtend C1-StopAcctDetailCSRExtend
Transfer Move-To-Premise C1-TransferMoveToPremPanelExt C1-TransferMoveToPremCSRExt
Services to Start C1-TransferSvcToStartPanelExt C1-TransferSvcToStartCSRExt
Services to Stop C1-TransferSvcToStopPanelExt C1-TransferSvcToStopCSRExt
Person and Account Details C1-TransferAcctDetPanelExtend C1-TransferAcctDetCSRExtend