Overpayment Segmentation

When a customer pays more than they owe, you must decide what to do with the excess money. The following points describe two possibilities:

  • You could create a new service agreement to hold the excess (let's call it an overpayment SA). The credit would be transferred from this service agreement to the billable service agreements when the next bill is completed. This means that all billable service agreements have the same opportunity to receive the overpayment when they are billed in the future.
  • You could amalgamate the excess payment on one of the existing, billable service agreements. For example, if a customer has both electric and gas service, the excess funds could be kept on either the gas or the electric SA. This would result in the following:
    • The service agreements that do NOT receive the overpayment will have debt when they are next billed.
    • The service agreement that receives the overpayment could have its future debt offset by the overpayment (meaning that it could have a credit balance until the service agreement's future bill segments offset the overpayment amount).
  • The above situation is not desirable unless the customer intentionally overpaid one service agreement. The first method (keeping the overpayment on a separate service agreement) obviates this potential problem. Obviously, if your organization sells a single service (and therefore your customers have a single service agreement) you would choose the second method.

You control which method is used by plugging in the appropriate Overpayment Distribution algorithm on each Customer Class (i.e., you can choose a different method for different customer classes). If you choose to hold overpayments on a separate SA, then you must set up an SA Type as described in the following table:

CIS Division/ SA Type

Service Type

Distrib. Code

Eligible for Billing

Debt Class

Pay Seg Type

Do Not Overpay





Not billed





Notice the following about the new overpayment SA type:

  • It has an interesting distribution code. This is because when a payment segment is created for this type of service agreements, the system must credit a liability (an overpayment is a liability).
  • It's important to indicate that the overpayment SA is a one-time service agreement. Why? Because this means that the system will automatically close the SA when it's balance falls to zero (i.e., when all of the overpayment has been used to satisfy future bills).
  • A bill segment type is not needed because the system never creates bill segments for such service agreements (they exist only to hold excess credits).
  • You may also want to turn on the alert message
  • You must plug-in a bill completion algorithm on this SA type. This bill completion algorithm will transfer the credit balance to the account's other service agreements when the bill is completed. Refer to The Credit Transfer Algorithm for more information about this algorithm.
  • You must also reference this overpayment SA type as the parameter value on your overpayment algorithm (this algorithm is plugged in on the desired customer classes). Refer to Overpayment Algorithm for more information about this algorithm.

If overpayment means charitable contribution. Some organizations sponsor a program that works as follows - if a customer overpays a bill by a given amount (say $5), this amount is assumed to be a charitable contribution. If you have this requirement, you will create another SA type to hold a customer's charitable contributions. This SA type will look similar to the one described below (see Charitable Contribution Segmentation) except it is not billable. The funds will be credited to this service agreement by creating a new overpayment algorithm that is similar to the base package Overpayment Algorithm. This new algorithm will be very similar to the existing algorithm. The main difference will be that it will have to check if the overpayment amount is an exact value (say $5). If so, it will create a payment segment for the charitable contribution SA type; otherwise it will create a payment segment for the overpayment SA.