Canceled High Bill Complaint

The following is an example of the configuration of the Canceled status for high bill complaint cases.

In this example, the Canceled status is configured for high bill complaint cases. Canceled is a final state and the Cancel button moves a case into this state. The Cancel action is associated with this status and there are no Valid Next Statuses because this is a final state. Lastly, the Cancel Reason is specified on the case before it moves into this state.

Note the following about this status:

  • Canceled is a final state (meaning that no further action is necessary).
  • It has a button label of Cancel. This is the label on the button that a user presses to move a case into this state. This button will only appear on cases that are in the Lodged state as this is the only state that can transition into the Completed state.
  • We have not referenced a BPA script because this is a final state (and no additional user action is necessary).
  • We have associated the Cancel action with this status. This means that only users with rights to this action for the application service defined on the case type can move a case into this state.
  • Notice that there are no Valid Next Statuses (because this is a final state). If you wanted to allow a Canceled case to be reopened, you would need to define the state into which a Canceled case could be transitioned.
  • Notice that a Cancel Reason must be specified on the case before it can be moved into this state.