Triggering Notification & Workflow from the Application

You and your implementers must determine the noteworthy events that should trigger workflow and/or outgoing notifications based on your business practice. For example, you may communicate all meter exchanges and customer address changes to the customer's various service providers.

Next, you must assess how you are going to create the appropriate records:

  • Determine if there is a plug-in spot that exists where you can create an algorithm to trigger the NUS or NDS. For example, if canceling a service agreement should trigger a notification, an SA Cancel algorithm plugged in to the SA type may be used.
  • If there is no plug-in spot, determine if there is a user exit at the appropriate place for you to trigger the creation of an NUS or NDS
  • You may also decide to use a database trigger to create the NUS or NDS

Once you have determined how and when to trigger the creation of notification records, have your implementers create the CM code to do the work.