Understanding Consumer Product Rules

Consumer product rules are standard and custom rules that perform actions for a consumer product version. A consumer product rule class defines the type of action that is performed. A consumer product rule class is recorded in the consumer product version for each related consumer product rule. The base product provides the following consumer product rule classes:
  • Determine Fallback Product

  • Determine If Reapplication Required

A consumer product rule typically includes the following details:
  • Basic information about the consumer product rule, including its name, description and detailed description. This is standard information for most consumer product rules.

  • Specific parameters used by the consumer product rule.

The base product provides the following consumer product rules:
  • Determine Fallback Product: A rule that determines the fallback product using a consumer product class recorded in the rule.

  • Determine if Product should be Reapplied: A rule that determines if reapplication is necessary by deriving the current consumer product component eligibility criteria operands for the consumer product and comparing these with the previous operand values.

Additional algorithms may exist for your implementation. To see the available algorithm(s), search for algorithm types of the Consumer Product Rule (BO) – Apply Rule algorithm entity in the application.