A Workflow Process Template Defines The Batch Jobs In A Job Stream

The system creates a job stream's workflow process using a workflow process template. This means that a separate workflow process template exists for each job stream. For example, there is a workflow process template for the nightly job stream and another for the weekly job stream, etc.

There are typically dependencies between a job stream's batch jobs. For example, the billing batch job might be dependent on the successful execution of the payment upload batch job. Dependencies between batch jobs are defined by setting up workflow event dependencies on the workflow process. For example, if the billing batch job should only run after the payment upload batch job completes, you'd set up the workflow event that submits the billing job to be dependent on the completion of the event that submits the payment upload job. Note, you can define multiple dependencies between batch jobs (i.e., you can indicate that both the meter read upload and payment upload must complete before billing starts).

Once you define your job streams using workflow process templates, you indicate your job streams in the batch scheduler feature configuration. The job stream summary page and the job stream creation schedule use this information to display the appropriate job stream templates.