Interval Register Data Query

This query shows the most recent interval register data for a register and a time period as of a given time.

Open Menu > Interval Billing > Interval Register Data Query to display interval register data.


This page is only available if the Meter Data Management module is not turned off.

Description of Page

The Register ID is the identifier of the register whose data should be displayed.

Use the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time if you want to limit the query to a specific time period.

Use the Set Date/Time to indicate the "as of what date" to use for retrieving interval data. Only data sets with a set date/time prior to this date/time are accessed.

The Selection Type is used to determine what data to show:

History This option displays all interval data for the register and time period, if specified. It includes data in data sets of any status value.

Most Recent Comp. Exc. No Data This option finds the most recent interval value for each interval from completed data sets only. If the most recent interval is in a No Data data set, that interval does not appear.

Most Recent Complete Data This finds the most recent interval value for each interval from completed data sets only. If the most recent interval is in a No Data data set, that interval appears with "No Data" displayed in the Data Set Type column.


Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information about No Data interval data sets.

Once you have selected your criteria, use the search button to display the data. The interval data collection contains the following information:

The Interval Register Date/Time and Interval Register Data value for each interval is displayed. Information about the data set to which this interval is linked is displayed, including the Data Set Type, Set Date/Time and Register Data Set ID.

If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval register type, the Seasonal Time Shift associated with your interval register type is displayed.

If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the interval register type, the Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered in legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the interval register type or the base time zone do not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the toggle button is not visible and data is displayed and expected in standard time.