Life Cycle of Contract Option Events

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a contract option event.

The Contract Option Event lifecycle is comprised of the Pending, Frozen, Error, and Canceled states. A contract option event may be created in pending status. A pending contract option event transitions to the Frozen state to be used by rate and data derivation algorithms algorithms. A pending or frozen validation algorithm defined on the contract option type may transition to the Error state if error conditions are detected. A frozen event may be canceled if it is incorrect.

Pending A contract option event may be created in pending status and transition to frozen to be used by processing algorithms. Events in this status may be deleted if they are incorrect.

Error A pending or frozen validation algorithm defined on the contract option type may set this status for an event if it detects an error condition. Events in this status also appear on the Contract Option Event Exception query.

Frozen Only frozen events are processed by rate algorithms and data derivation algorithms.

Canceled A frozen event may be canceled if it is incorrect.


Algorithms that process these events need to undo the effect of canceled events.